年青的古巴钢琴家Mauricio Vallina 演奏自己的新作《谜语》

拉丁美洲出了一批非常优秀,很有诗人艺术气质的钢琴家,其中就有他Mauricio Vallina , 第一次听他弹了巴赫的《Siciliana》就很喜欢他的演奏,相比那些高产量的商业型演奏家,拉美的艺术家鲜为人所知,他们执著地追求艺术,从他们的演表现出来的艺术感染力更强一些。

这首曲子是Mauricio Vallina 自己作曲的,难道他在两位音乐家肖邦和舒伯特的音乐里找到了迷底了吗?好听。

A great discovery for music admirers!!! from his latest CD, recorded live at the Ruhr Festival 2008, Germany. In this concert Mauricio Vallina played an unbeliveble Encore: "L'Enigma" a PREMIERE composition of his own.

In the Frederic Chopin Etüde Nr. 2 op 10, Mauricio Vallina discovers "Die Forelle" complete in minor, including the middle section of the song. In this piece that was composed in 1828, the year of Schubert death, Vallina presumes that Chopin encripted his sorrow about the tragical death of Schubert. Doing so, Mauricio Vallina honour this two great composers and bring to light a fascinating piece!
