英文名称:You Are There! 22 Classic Hits A Sonic Spectacular
中文名称: 你在哪里!水星22首古典发烧精选
艺 术 家: Various Artists
专辑数量: 1CD
产品规格: 限量版
发行公司: Mercury(水星)
运行时间:Run Time: 70 minutes
条 形 码:0289442541290
原 产 地:德 国
文件容量:380 MB
众所周知,这些Mercury早期原始立体声录音都是以三声道模式录制,其模拟母带也就是三声道的。在制作本碟时,大名鼎鼎的Mercury工程师 Wilma Cozart Fine将母带上的三声道信号转换成了制作CD所必需的双声道立体声信号,而CD母带制作则由母带工程师Andrew Nicholas担任。CD碟片在德国压制。
01.Coates: Halcyon Days from The Three Elyisabeths
2. Gounod: Funeral March of a Marionette
3.Tchaikovsky: Variations on a Rococo Theme (exc.)
4. Stravinsky: Sherzo a la russe
5. Soloviev-Sedoy: Midnight in Moscow
6. Bizet: Danse Boheme from Carmen
7. Rouget De Lisle: La Marseillaise
8. Khachaturian: Dance of the Rose Maidens from gayne
9. Brahms: Hungarian Dance No.7 in A Major
10. Liszt: Piano Concert No.2 in A (Allegro animato)
11. Prokofiev: Marche from The Love of tree Oranges
12. Copeland: Appalachian Spring (Variation on a Shaker hymn)
13. Vardell Jr.: Joe Clark Steps out
14. Sousa: The Liberty Bell
15. Brahms: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D Major (exc.)
16. Saint-Saens: Symphony No 3 in C Minor Organ (exc.)
17. J.S. Bach: Suite No. 6 in D Major for Solo cello (gavotte)
18. Mendelssohn: Song Without Words, Opus 62 No.1
19. Anderson: The Syncopated Clock
20. Respighi: Ancient Dances and Airs for lute Suite N0.2 (Bergamasca)
21. Chabrier: Joyeuse Marche
22. Hanson: Symphony No. 2 Romantic