三领一线通, 欲领析字风, 新法自我起,不枉千年人.


领袖这个词在现代中国的使用, 开始于我外公, 他告诉我此事并指出源于"领袖群伦

"古语. 由于他是毛泽东的故交, 有过十数次会话, 包括一次长谈, 加上我们的成长

都离不开毛的影响, 此为1. 领袖.

2.领事是我外公曾被任命的职位, 在当时是个举足轻重的要职.

3.领头是我自封, 所以说"欲", 尚未兑现也, 请拭目以待.

欲领析字风, 新法自我起,

对中文,英文字词秘密的破解, 已见端倪, 引领一代新法, 恐怕不是妄言.


我们出生年, 粗略一点看, 是近于千年之交, 包括第一代领导人.

Trial evaluation about my finding
来源: 走马读人09-09-26 14:07:40 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话]
回答: 谢谢分享。北京二号2009-09-26 10:36:24

Possible positive side:

* It is an unique discovery, which could be said without exaggeration as a word study revolution.

* It explored all way around.

* It is suitable best for learned reader, but for juvernile,with proper training, still works. This needs study to be proved.

Possible challenge:

* It is to give a forced interpretation

Answer: Practice is the last standard for truth proving.

* It is 野狐禅.

Answer: I'm afraid you are too stubborn. "There was no road, after many people's steps, a new road is ready".

* Do you have a theoretic basis?

Yes, I do....

Stop here for your input.