Almost call a police

I always go to bed around 12:40 pm (maybe later). Before lying down, Ioften set up an alarm clock in my cell phone and turn off the phone over night.Yesterday, as I wanted to set up an alarm clock I found my cell phone wasmissing. Upon knowing this fact, I remembered I put it in the common room inearly the night. So I checked there. Surprisingly, it was not there. Then, Iattempted to dial the cell phone by a telephone in my room. The ring can let metrace the phone, I thought. I heard the dialing, however, it sounded that thephone was neither in my room nor anyroom in the floor. It seems I lost mycell phone.

Today I get up early to meet the security in the building. Before callinga police I want to do a last trial. Guess what happened? After my talk, thesecurity asked some questions about the cell phone and told me I can get mycell phone in the security office in campus. It was one on-duty security foundmy cell phone on patrol at last night and handed it into the office. Afterthirty minutes, I get my cell phone back.

cloudhk 发表评论于
Not yet. But I think it is true,at least for me.
misskuhn 发表评论于
Is there any proved correlation between forgetfulness and pregnancy? haha~