
这个世界是个竞争的世界。人人都为了得到什么而求索。 但这仅仅是世界的一面。

用心想想:我真的需要那么多物质吗, 我真的需要那么多人围绕身边吗。 未必 。

这辈子买的减价衣装, 有多少好好穿过,用过。

当人潮退去,孩子离家, 面对的只是自己的时候,我们还能享受生活, 爱这个世界么。


正视人生就会明白,人的一生, 起先是一个获得的过程: 获得生命, 兄弟姐妹, 朋友, 知识,能力,学业,工作,财富,成就,名声,别人的支持认可。 后来, 便开始一个失去的过程:失去地位,名声, 减少财富,失去父母亲人,失去配偶,失去朋友, 失去健康, 最后失去生命。

有哪一个人能够免走这条道路, 我想不出来。 人生既然如此, 我们就得学会无论获得还是失去,都能有健康平常的心态,等闲视之。 接受我们改变不了的这个现实,想办法无论获得还是失去,仍然让自己健康快乐幸福。

一个洒脱的心灵才能有个幸福的人生。 恐惧失去的心灵,永远难得自由幸福。 曾经以为, 人生最枯燥难挨的莫过于独处。 如今反觉得,独处是一片最广阔的沃土, 等待你栽培出累累的果实。每天能诚实地面对自己,用好独处的时光, 你就能创造出一个美妙非凡的生活来, 用你自己的双手和头脑。

独处,一个人可以毫无顾虑地实验自己奇思妙想, 把更多精力用来造就自己,开发利用自己的潜在能力, 多好的机会啊,如果我竟然为此悲哀,那岂不是愚昧。

在网上搜索了关于如何独处的文章,贴上来共赏。人生如有佳朋良伴, 当然求之不得。 若没有,也不可怕。

独处, 是人生一片独特的风景, 独处, 也可以很幸福。

I. How to Enjoy Solitude

Solitude can easily be seen as something isolating, especially since today's culture focuses so strongly on community and group activities. If you aren't a part of a group, you may feel as if you are missing something. However, you can enjoy spending time alone if you set aside preconceptions. Read on to learn how to enjoy solitude.


1. Step 1

See solitude as a gift rather than a burden. This fundamental mind shift will have you seeking out solitude wherever you can find it. Solitude is really just time alone with yourself, and is as rewarding as time with a loved one can be—even more so because you can focus on being exactly who you are at the moment.

2. Step 2

Learn to love yourself. If you are going to spend time alone and enjoy it, you have to love yourself. To practice this, list ten things you love about yourself. Try listing things you love about other people if you have problems.

3. Step 3

Give to yourself. Now that you have this time with yourself, indulge in something that is just for you. Start or return to a hobby you love, indulge in a good book, meditate, spend time in nature or complete those things you have been putting off.

4. Step 4

Take some time to daydream. As children , almost everyone spent hours engaged in daydreaming whether while playing with toys, drawing, reading or just sitting. Tap into that inner child in your solitude and daydream a bit. Let your mind wander and explore your dreams.

5. Step 5

Plan your future. Your solitude can help you think about what it is you would truly like to be doing with your life in the future. Write down your ideas and contemplate how you can arrive at the future you envision.

6. Step 6

Realize that this solitude will not last forever. Knowing that there is an end to solitude makes your solitude that much more precious—and also removes the fear of isolation that solitude may bring on.

II. What Are the Benefits of Solitude

Solitude is not something to be afraid of---it is, in fact, healthy to regularly spend time by yourself. Many people don't realize that, when they engage in "me time" by enjoying hobbies or other activities alone, they are actually enjoying solitude.

III. Relaxation

1. Being alone reduces stress. Shut off your phone and computer and let yourself relax with a book, a bath, a walk or your journal.

IV. Concentration

2. Solitude removes distractions and stressors that can keep you from thinking clearly and enables you to improve your focus on a project you're working on.

V. Self-Awareness

3. Periods of solitude can heighten your self-awareness because the stillness allows you to process your thoughts in peace. This can lead to critical breakthroughs or self-discovery.

VI. Autonomy

4. The isolation forces you to rely only on yourself to get things done, which can improve self-confidence and self-reliance.

VII. Spirituality

5. Solitude is a time-honored means of exploring your spirituality, spending time in reflection and achieving enlightenment.

VIII. Freedom

6. You have no one to answer to when you are alone; you can do and be whatever and whoever you want to be.

IX. How to Be Happy Despite Solitude

Henry David Thoreau's "Walden" is probably the best known treatise on solitude. Humans seem more content to be in society with their fellow man, but you can be happy despite solitude. Solitude differs from loneliness, in that you can choose it and revel in it. Follow these steps to learn how to be happy despite solitude.


1. Step 1

Enjoy the quiet. Take a nap, read a book or listen to your favorite radio or television station. You have no one to answer to, so do as you please.

2. Step 2

Clean the house--or not. Cook a meal--or not. That's the beauty of it. You are the only one who cares. But do cook meals sometimes--you need to eat good foods to feel healthy and happy.

3. Step 3

Take a walk. Revel in the company of the birds and outdoor creatures. Breathe in the fresh air. Go outside at night and look up at the moon and stars. Identify the constellations. Meditate and pray.

4. Step 4

Exercise if you are physically able. The release of endorphins will elevate your mood.

5. Step 5

Keep your mind and hands busy. Learn a craft or to play a musical instrument. Write like Thoreau or craft poetry, like Emily Dickinson. Keep a journal. Draw, paint or otherwise get in touch with your creative side.

6. Step 6

Sing at the top of your lungs--even if you sing badly. No one is there to hear you. Play dress-up and dance with abandon.

7. Step 7

Get some pets. They are incredible company, give you a sense of purpose and even afford some laughs.

8. Step 8

Listen for the sound of rain on the roof and your own breathing and heartbeat. At least, you are still alive. Be happy about that.
