A Rainy Day

Passion to life is like wings to the airplanes. Only when the arms of passion open up, the flight of life take off.
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Without warning, fall sneaked in and came knocking.  In this part of the country, any season other than summer means raining.  So goes my plan to take Bobo to the beach one more time.  I decided to be spontaneous and do what fits instead of planning anything rigid. 

Lazily opening my eye at 8:30am, I was sure I could not get back to sleep any more before I quietly slipped off thebed.  Bobo came to my bed at the middle of the night last night.   I couldn't help but gave her a kiss.  I can't help it every time I see that sweet sleeping face.  I also crave to smell her little face.  She was lightly stirred but went back to sleep.  I often think I must be a selfish Mom, often risk waking her up.  But our bonding is so strong, I can't seem to help it.  Bobo told me when she was on the tender age of two: "Mommy. I like it when you kiss me.  When you kiss me, I feel loved."  Bobo is amazingly capable of identifying her own feeling and communicate it to me or other people.  I will never remember the morning when she sat at the bottom of the staircase, crying and finally got me to stop my morning scurry and asked her why.  She said: "when you hurry me like that, I feel nervous and sad.  When you raise your voice to hurry me, I feel like I'm not good enough, and I am not loved.  I want you in the future to speak nicely in your regular sweet voice:  Bobo, could you please...like that?!"  OK, sidetrapped.  "you can stop bragging now"-- Bobo would say.

I was downstairs fixing my special liver detoxification diet food when Bobo showed up with a short sleeve T, a pair soft pink shorts and a bright green hairclip.  With a smile on her face, she came to me with a little courtesy and said in a sweet voice:  "May I have some breakfast please?"  I leaned over, she kissed me and I cheerfully responded: "Oh, sure, young lady.  Good morning to you!  What do you feel like today?"  "Home made yogurt with frozen berry, some hot water and a piece of raisen bread please."  "Be right there if you would get seated" We kissed, hugged and laughted a bit more.

Bobo sat at her usual spot, when I served her yogurt I made from whole milk and the frozen blueberry we picked a month ago from a local organic farm.  She loves these.  I was concerned it would be a bit too cold and got her some hotwater.  Bobo loves slightly toasted raisen bread, not hard but slightly crisp and warm.

I'm on a liver cleansing diet where there is only a few vegetables, plain chicken soup, and brown rice on the list with no salt, oil, soy, dairy, corn products allowed.  So my breakfast was actually a soup of cauliflower, mung bean thread, chicken soup, and some green beans.  We were both content when all was done.

Bobo had a playdate with the boy she has crush on.  I don't use the word easily.  She truely does have crush on this boy!  As we were getting close to his home, she was getting more and more nervous -- she has not seen him for most of the summer.  She started to behave more hysterical and goofy, making a lot of noise and trying to be silly to cover her nervousness.  I can't help but thinking to myself:  Wow, it's really puppy love?!

A month ago, Bobo whispered a secret to me:  Little boy J told her that he wanted to marry her, and she thought that Little J was a better choice for her than little A (the one we are about to see) because J plays with her and talks to her at school, whereas Little A is sweet when he has a playdate at our home, but never plays with her at school.   

Little A happily came over to our house and stayed till 4pm.  My good friend B also visited with her two little kids, one five and one less than one.  We chatted light heartedly and cheered the little one while the three bigger kids played crazy upstairs.

After guests left, Bobo wanted some personal time with me.  She suggested scrabble, got out the game, laid it out  and explained all the rules to me.  Bobo loves board games, scrabble is her new favorite.  We had fun as time flied by.  Half an hour later, she said she wanted to stay at home when I suggested going to the Pigeon Restaurant (we call it because she loves their pigeon dish) for dinner.  She had a hot dog, a bowl of rice, some chicken soup with a leg and some blanched spinash.  Mine was brown rice, chicken soup and blanched spinach.  Dinner was prepared in between times when it was Bobo's turn to come up with words.  We finished fairly quickly, and Bobo wanted to go back to the game.  We never maded out of the door for the bike, walk and soccer routine before it turned dark.

In between the game turns, I finished dishes.  We then decided to have some dance and music.  Closing most of the windows, we let the music go loud and stiring, and our body moves with the rythem.  Bobo has a lot of moves she saw from daycare, which in turn inspires me.  We did some moon walking, western cowboy shooting, Latin tangoing, and simply shaking our bodies whatever way we could come up with.  We finally stopped when we were both sweating.  Bobo jumped on her Doingo Boingo, starting to hop around.  Three days ago, it was still unreachable for her to stay on that thing for even a couple second.  Right in front of my eyes, I still couldn't believe she managed to stay on it and hopped around circles after circles.  A qualify I always admire and appreciate about Bobo: When she set up to learn a new skill, she does not get distracted by difficulty or other events till she grasp it or she realize it was truely out of her reach at that moment.  With her scratched skin around her ankle not yet healed from two days ago, Bobo managed to hop onto Boingo Doingo and cruised around.  We have had this since June, so far there was only one other kid, a teenage, who could hop on it and manage around somewhat.

It was nine, I had to stop all her effort and joy from this new accomplished skill.  She went upstirs, brushed her teeth, picked the cloth to wear tomorrow and got herself tucked in.  I turned on her sukuzi music and read her the story of Geronomou Stilton, her summer favorite.  When I close her door, I told her she could have another playdate with anyone she pick and doing any activity of her choice if she could fall asleep in five minutes.  Kiss kiss kiss and kiss again, I left the room. 

I am grateful for a peaceful day!  With a sweet life like this, I am only grateful, but never wonder what the meaning or purpose of life.  So thank you, Lord!
