To scientific nerds, the attractiveness of research lies in thinking, discover, innovation and progress, not in financial awards. e.g., They enjoy the life with experiments but lack of time and money. They sacrifice private time for research. But they know that the rewards may not be proportional to what had been paid. well, lucky people may get their result accepted all over world and may even get nobel prize but those many not so lucky may do the same job with same effort with a position of postdoc...Being a research scientist, we should first know this and accept this point and be prepared. Actually every profession has its own risk.
Worldly people who does not have passion in that area will not understand what those hardworking those sacrifice for. Worldly people consider richness and power as success but they will not understand the excitement and potential profit during the final process of developing a novel drug for cancer.
pbmn 发表评论于
多哥 发表评论于
eugene1 发表评论于
Over last 11 years or so, I came across many PHDs in biology/bio-chemistry in pharmaceutical industry, working as SAS programmer though. Actually next week, we are interviewing another PHD in biology (plant genetics or something like that) for a senior SAS programmer position. This seems indicate either job opportunity in that area sparse, or pay is not comparative.
ridicu 发表评论于
mathteacher 发表评论于
生物转金融学博士容易?大概哈佛的生物博士转俄亥俄大学金融系容易吧(只是打个比方,俄亥俄大学是否有 finance PhD program 我都不知道)。商学院一直严格控制规模,不是很容易进的。中国人转学金融的往往是数学或物理出身,很多人都是物理金融双料博士,光是读两个博士差不多就要十年,如王江,潘军,黄明等人。生物出身的人读金融有什么优势,数学功底比得了学物理的吗?
you are half way right! it is because you have not experienced postdoc or assistant professor period. i have been an Ivy league PHD, a top lab postdoc and a top university assistant professor.... the whole field of biological research is full of liar, treating. just imagine, how could expect hundreds of research paper come out everyday? it is insane! however, as a faculty, all your value, salary, position are bound to your publication. people will do everything for surviving! so, after years of struggle, you finally get your professor position, and then your real nightmare starts! if you can not get grant, you even can not pay your salary! DON NOT FOOL YOURSELF!
Well written. What biological science needs is a bunch of dedicated, hard-working, and intelligent thinkers-plus-experimentalists. Not a job for profit-oriented, BMW-driven, and Carbon Waste-producing punks. Biology is a basic science and it is vital to our understanding of nature and medicines. The dry spell in novel drugs is caused, in part, by our poor understanding of human biology. Investment in this sector is a much better choice than TRADING on wall streets, which produce no REAL benefit for the society in general.
What is more pathetic is that you guys do not have the courage to change the course of your life.
It is such a wrong idea to do science for finanical reward. Why the hell did you start in this field in the first place if it was not for your passion?
You guys totally deserve what you had, have and will be having.
ridicu 发表评论于
torpedosea 发表评论于
Biology is a cold major and hard to find job in North America.