后来,又发生了个真实的小故事。某天中午,我一个人在办公室坐着,上次声称韩国车世界第一的中年棒子同学又探头探脑的进来了。“Are you alone?”看我一人在办公室,他说了几句废话就开始闲聊起来了。然后此人说岁月不饶人自己当年服兵役受过伤如何如何,我打断他的自恋自怜,说他已经不错了,起码妻子儿子在身边,不像我的家人那样远在中国不能见面。然后此人带着高深莫测的微笑,神秘的说:
" You don't understand. You are single and your parents are your family. But I have got married. Once you get married, parents are no longer your family and you have no responsibility upon them. You can leave them alone and you only need to take care of your wife or husband."