我们在加拿大,医生看了结果后只让几周后复查。 初步结论是可能为 6.2 厘米hemorrhagic cyst 血性囊肿。
2次B超检查,5月, 9月。 左侧的增长很快。现在 6.2 厘米。
The result of 2009-09-05
Pelvic Sonogram
Clinical History: Mid Cycle/Intermenstrual Bleeding
DLMP: August 8, 2009
Comparison is made with our prior study dated May 13, 2009 (Exam No: xx-xxxxx).
Again, both transabdominal and transvaginal procedures were done.
The uterus is again anteverted in orientation, and appears normal in size, shape and echotexture now measuring 8.9 cm in length, 5.1 cm in width, and 4.9 cm AP.
Endometrial complex now measures 9.1 mm in thickness.
Right ovary now measures 3.3x1.54x1.46 cm (volume 3.89 cc), and it shows physiological follicles. Left ovary is now significantly enlarged measuring 6 x5.5 x 5.1 cm (volume 103.9 cc) and shows a complex primarily cystic mass measuring 6.2 x 5.3 x 5.8 cm - The mass shows a mural component (likely hemorrhagic cyst showing retracted clot etc).
There is small amount of free fluid in the posterior cul-de-sac (of questionable clinical significance). Benign nabothian cysts are identified in the cervical aspect.
Today\'s sonographic findings are suggestive of:
1. Now, significantly enlarged left ovary with volume 103.9 cc showing what seems to be a 6.2 cm hemorrhagic cyst, which I recommend be followed up sonographically in 6-8 weeks interval to document resolution ( in particular, tumorous pathology to be ruled out).
2. Benign nabothian cysts.
(color flow duplex application was unremarkable).
Thank you for the referral and if you have any questions, I can be reached at xxx-xxx-xxxx
Consultant radiologists
The result of 2009-05-13
Pelvic Sonogram
Clinical History: Mid Fibroid Uterus, DLMP: April 13, 09
Both transabdominal and transvaginal procedures were attempted.
The uterus is again anteverted in orientation, and appears normal in size, shape and echotexture now measuring 9.1 cm in length, 5.6 cm in width, and 4.9 cm AP.
Endometrial complex now measures 12.2 mm in thickness.
Right ovary now measures 4.1 x 2.3 x 1.9 cm and left 2.4 x 2.2 x 1.2 cm. No adnexal masses are seen. Trace free fluid in the posterior cul-de-sac of questionable clinical significance.
Normal Pelvic Sonogram
Bilateral breast sonogram:
Scanning was performed by high resolution 7.5 MHz color scanner.
Both breasts appear symmetrical. The right breast shows small cyst at 5 o\'clock measuring 0.5 x 0.2 cm. The left breast was unremarkable and showed no solid or cystic nodule.
Right axilla shows a lymph node measuring 1.87 x 0.53 cm and the left axilla shows a lymph node measuring 0.71 x 2.72 cm. Both supra and intra-clavicular regions were also unremarkable.
A small cyst in right breast at 5 o\'clock. Otherwise normal study.
(color flow duplex application was unremarkable).
Thank you for the referral and if you have any questions, I can be reached at xxx-xxx-xxxx
Consultant radiologists