吴晓科英文诗歌亲爱的翻译Dearst tra

油画中派-国画欧派2009-05-25 17:30哲艺宏天靠努力.宇宙能运万彩齐.江山美好人性灵.宏宇大气艺天地.艺豪全心刻苦笔.彩墨油笔刻仙趣.山水花鸟人性具.丑恶贪黑阴邪气.忠义友善人心里.哲人油画中派具.国画西派更情趣.飘逸泼洒宣纸奇.心刻大宇艺心迪
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吴晓科英文诗歌亲爱的翻译Dearst translater impress me!
2009-06-18 00:32
my dear you are so impressed me!

you are so warm hearted from human nature!

you keep our greatist chinese tradional mankind!

your heart as pure as crastel impressed thr cosmas !

you love my human value and knowlege pure chinese civilization!

it has being outstanding for thousands of year !

chinese value of civilization deeply moveing nature people 's heart!

because pure naturre drictly touch poeople 's soul!

my dearst translater pour heart makes the world moveing!
