
温哥华美景 摄影钓鱼 游山玩水 种花种草 瓜果梨桃 好吃好喝
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10月份 采苹果 Apple:333 Gladwin Rd, Abbotsford, BC 或前方150米左边 270 Gladwin Rd,http://www.applebarn.ca/


采榛子 Hazelnut:6624 Bradner Rd, Abbotsford, BCU-PICK HAZALNUT8651 Glover Road, Fort Langley, BCThe phone number there is 604-888-164090CENTS / POUND

加西网友 wf302 说我男朋友的农场有一片organic榛子林。平常他不想被人打扰。只有周末我去那里时可以采,地址是:1926 School Rd, Harrison Miles, Kent。每磅75cent。如果你自己不想采,每磅1.5可以买到我采的。我的电话是:

周1-5 白天:6042335483




1 威华溪(Weaver Creek)三文鱼产卵水道16250 Morris Valley RoadAgassiz, BC V0M 1A1604-796-9444www-heb.pac.dfo-mpo.gc...aver_e.htm

2 Harrison hot spring喜欢泡温泉就泡,不喜欢就在湖边散步。停留2个半小时左右,包括午餐。温泉信息:Harrison Public Pool224 Esplanade Ave, Harrison Hot Springs, BC V0M 1K0

(604) 796-2244 ‎ Friday and Saturday 9:00am till 9:00pm. Adults $8.50, Children and Seniors $6.25, Children 4 and under Free.记得带泳衣,毛巾,锁头。鉴于行程比较紧凑,建议最好探探路下次自行来泡,呵呵。

3 Coquihalla Canyon Provincial Park, Othello TunnelsOthello Road@ Tunnels road604-858-7161www.fraservalleyguide....le.34.html

4 Bridal Veil Falls Provincial Parkwww.env.gov.bc.ca/bcpa...eil_falls/BC公园contact info:Sea to Sky Park Services LtdEmail address: info@seatoskyparks.com

Phone: (604) 986-9371

5 Westerminster Abbey34224 Dewdney Trunk RoadMission, British Columbia,

6Canada奶牛场参观地址。Birchwood Dairy's Farms 1154 Fadden Road , Abbotsford Tel:604-857-1315
7采水梨:18555 88 Ave Surrey

11月份看白头鹰加西网友 wf302 说I see eagles flying on the sky all the time this season in that erea. Especially when dead salmon show up along the rivers, eagles come and eat them. There will be a bald eagle festival on November 21 and 22 in the fraser valley. For watching spots and more infomation, you can go www.fraservalleybaldea...index.php. I went one of the spots last year and I was told that over 1000 eagles were there.



richmond   #1 & rever rd 和机场上面那块空地。
