在"蓝草莓焖兔肉"的烹调里,要用到一种香料"sage leaf".我们在超市找不到,唯有问售货员-一个黑mm,黑mm说对不起没有,问我们准备用来煮什么肉肉,可以挑别的香草代替?
谁知黑mm杏眼圆瞪,大问"What? Rabbit?Bunny??Oh,NO.You are a bad person! You eat Bunny!!"
几天来,老公仍然对黑mm 的评价悻悻的:"That girl said "I'm a bad person" - I AM NOT!"
*Pot-Roasted Rabbit With Vinegar
(Cooking rabbit very slowly over low heat guarantees the best results.1.5hour Cooking)
12 juniper berries,crushed
2 cloves garlic, chopped
6 sage leaves finelychopped
2 tablespoons rosemary leaves,chopped
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 kg rabbit,cut into pieces
freshly ground peper to taste
1/2 cup vegetable stock
1/2 cup white wine vinegar