Call 911! You were lucky that emergency light was still working. Have a policy car park behind you to warn other careless driver first.
小小雪球 发表评论于
你是首席聊天师,不着你找谁,哈哈, 我小调皮!
首席聊天师 发表评论于
I'm sorry to hear that. 但是我确实觉得突发事情的时候,才能真正地反省,那些才是我们心中的那个号码。
天上下着毛毛雨 发表评论于
It reminded me one day I was sent to the hospital by the ambulance while I was working in a city 2 hrs away from home. At that time, I did not have a phone number like this. I claimed that I have lots of friends, but when my husband happened to be out of town, I don't have a number like this. I had no one I was comfortable to call to pick up me from the hospital. When I found this out, it was such a big hit to me, even worse than the reason I was brought in the hospital. It prompted me to re-evaluate all my relationships.