
上周五去普林斯顿参加Parent’s Weekend,其中有一个Presentation 是专门讲Internship Job的。下面是Presentation中有关2009毕业生的去向,同样的数据也登载在Princeton University Bulletin校报上。The class of 2009 survey, conducted in May and June, revealed that:

  • Sixty-seven percent of graduating seniors were pursuing full-time employment or yearlong internships, while 25 percent were planning further education. About 6 percent were planning to join the military, travel, play professional sports or pursue other opportunities. About 2 percent of students did not respond to the survey.
  • Of those employed full time, the most popular career choices were investment banking and other financial services (33 percent); consulting and other service industries (25 percent); education and other nonprofit work (24 percent); government (6 percent); and manufacturing (6 percent).
  • Twelve percent of the graduates accepted yearlong internship, typically in nonprofit, public service and international organizations.
  • Among those planning further education, the largest concentrations were in science and mathematics (18 percent); law (17 percent); medicine (17 percent); humanities (16 percent); engineering (16 percent); and social science (16 percent).
会上有人问为什么没有很多学生去读MBA。校方的回答是TOP MBA Program通常招收有2年以上工作经历的考生。只有少于10%MBA学生是直接从undergraduate MBA的。

我感到最意外的是Princeton只有10%的学生学经济,却有33%的毕业生去Investment banking and other financial services,特别是在今年这样恶劣的金融环境中。

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how about improving SAT writing?