









作者简介:朱启,本名张玉洪,男,山东诸城人,旅美作家。现居美国加州圣巴巴拉市,北美洛杉矶华文作家协会理事,中国戏剧家协会会员,中外传记文学研究会会员。擅长戏剧与传记文学写作,在各类报刊发表戏剧、影视、小说、散文、诗歌、人物传记、学术论文等200余万字,获海内外文艺创作奖多次。E-mail: zqi666@hotmail.com  zhuqi123@gmail.com

The Way Back Home

By  Qi Zhu

I remember watching a Japanese film entitled, "Spirit a Thousand Miles Away".  It tells about someone who forgot his name and eventually turned out to be a fighting-for-food obese pig.  This film expects the audience to think about the people around us who cannot resist temptation, whose destiny ends up driven by others not by themselves.

When visiting friends, because of the unfamiliar environment or because of borderless desires, people find they have been wandering around back and forth and that they eventually have lost their way back home.

Studying overseas where temptation is everywhere, people may realize they have lost their traditions, perhaps they failed to master them and in the excitement of this new adventure their traditions become lost.  They even feel awkward when writing Chinese.  Eventually they end up embarrassed, caught between two different worlds, in the middle of Chinese culture and Western traditions.

Some people, even worse, belittle their home country where generations of ancestry were raised. They celebrate any, and everything, in and of the visiting country as soon as they land on this foreign soil.  They tend to criticize everything from their home country, because they want so much to assimilate, right away, into the mainstream of the foreign country.

The above comments do not assume that children from neighboring countries do not tend to be good and only my own kind is fine.  This world does develop rapidly and it seems new everyday.  People should open the door to understanding, as well as exchange of ideas and goods; be open to interracial and international communication and to the general goal to "control and reduce personal desires and furthermore to exchange and improve humanity, globally".

Ever since the origin of the history of mankind, intelligence and behavior enlighten and inspire the world to develop. No matter whether economics collects or distributes and regardless of harmony or disharmony, war or peace, tide or wave, win or lose, fall or rise, one fact remains that we, human beings , live on one planet.  How many years before humans are able to inhabit another planet, depends on the Space Project.  Whether we live on the Moon or Mars, facing so much fighting and conflict, would this become just another cycle of devastation?

Therefore, people should know their duty and reduce their desire for fighting. Indeed, people should work together to utilize existing resources to strive to have a peaceful life for humanity, forever.  In addition, be careful with outside temptations.  Think more and remember your starting point. DON'T FORGET THE WAY BACK HOME!

Author's brief introduction: Qi Zhu, original name Yugang Zhang, male, visiting wirter in the U.S./>/> is the Editor-in-Chief of the Santa Barbara Chinese American Association (SBCAA), the Director of the Los Angeles Chinese Writers Association, the member of the Chinese Drama Association, the member of the Auto-/Biography Research Society, He is very good at writing and biography. He has published drama, film, fictions, prose, poetry, biographies and academic theses, etc more than 200 million words in a variety of newspapers. He has been awarded multiple honors in literary and arts domestically and overseas. E-mail: zhuqi123@gmail.com

link: http://www.uweb.ucsb.edu/~ckgao/SBCAA/Newsletter57.pdf 




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