我即刻给buyer 打了电话。她一听说full price, 就来火了:no. tell him to send his counteroffer in written. I’ll email him back that we are no more interested in their house. 我又懵了:怎么一还价就来火。几个来回的还价是很正常的。我耐着性子说:We don’t have to accept their counteroffer. We are entitled to counteroffer, too. 她说:no。tell them we are no more interested in their house. Can you forward all his emails to me. 我说:no problem. 但心理想:啥意思?难道我和listing agent 串通? 我很不情愿地给listing agent 打电话,要求他把counteroffer email 给我。他email 给我。我就forward 给buyer.在email 中, Listing agent 作了解释,分析了市场。我的buyer 看完后打电话给我:the listing agent is lying. I know no houses were sold over XXXXX. 我很清楚我给他们的市场分析有这些数据。Listing agent 作解释只是为了说服他们,没想到惹了一身臭。我的buyer 接着说:email him that we think he’s lying. We are no more interested in that house. 我说: I already told him you were not going to make a counteroffer. 其实我没有。生意不成,也不用nasty.
此时我已认识到他们的好战心理,也联想到中东年年的战火,纠纷是不是因为他们的好战心理照成。(disclaimer : no prejudice here). 我无法理解他们的心理,我的心理也受到了创伤。我决定给他们的服务到此为止。
第二天上午看email. 有一份是那个老公的。他Blah,Blah… I think we should move on and look for better options. 我理解是他们要换agent. 我回了他的email:
As your agent, I respect your choice and appreciate the opportunity that you provided to work with you.
It's not easy and it's also emotional buying a house. It takes time and patience. Some people are lucky to get to buy the first house. Some people have to make several tries. Don't give up.