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根据昨日调查结果,美国人最讨厌的常用词榜首为 “Whatever” 占47%;

其次是“You know.” 25%。

第三是:“It is what it is.” 11%

第四是: “Anyway.” 7%

最后是: “At the end of the day.” 2%

我们中国人最爱用 “whatever” 和 “you know”。 “Whatever”给人一种你不太在乎的感觉。 “You know” 常常让人觉得你好像不能完整地表达你自己,并缺乏自信。卡萝林娜。肯尼迪去年在竞选纽约参议员时就因在电视采访中不断地,无意识地说,“You know, you know......”被人认为“缺乏经验及自信”而失去了机会。

wxcqq 发表评论于
our boss used to say quite often: " it is what it is " and our team start to rebuke her, it is such a lame excuse....she's stopped using that term even since.. ha
tonycalgary 发表评论于