Caribbean Blue

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Caribbean Blue

... Eurus ... 欧罗斯

... Afer Ventus ... 蓝色大海...

so the world goes round and round 世界不断轮回

with all you ever knew - 即使你都已知晓

They say the sky high above 他们说高远的天空

is Caribbean blue ... 是蓝色的加勒比.

.. if every man says all he can, 如果人说他无所不能

if every man is true, 如果人们真实可信

do I believe the sky above 我是否相信苍天之上

is Caribbean blue ... 是蓝色的加勒比

... Boreas

... ... Zephryus

... ... if all you told was turned to gold, 如果你道出金玉良言

if all you dreamed were new, 如果你的新梦再现

imagine sky high above 想象苍天之上

in Caribbean blue ... 是蓝色的加勒比

... Eurus

... Afer Ventus

... ... Boreas Zephryus

... ... Africus ...