How Can I Keep From Singing?
My life goes on in endless song 我的生命伴随着
above earth's lamentations, 大地上无尽的悲歌
I hear the real, though far-off hymn我真切地听到赞美而遥远的歌声, that hails a new creation. 为欢呼新的世界诞生,
Through all the tumult and the strife 透过那些喧嚣和争吵
I hear it's music ringing, 我听到音乐响起
It sounds an echo in my soul. 它在我耳畔此起彼伏
How can I keep from singing? 叫我怎能不歌唱?
While though the tempest loudly roars, 虽然风暴在肆虐
I hear the truth, it liveth. 我听到了真理的声音
And though the darkness 'round me close, 尽管黑暗将我笼罩
songs in the night it giveth. 歌声仍在黑夜响起
No storm can shake my inmost calm, 无论风暴如何冲击我攀岩的手臂
while to that rock I'm clinging. 都不能动摇我内心的安宁
Since love is lord of heaven and earth 既然爱是上帝和人世的主宰
how can I keep from singing? 叫我怎能不歌唱?
When tyrants tremble in their fear 暴君们恐惧颤栗
and hear their death knell ringing, 因为他们的丧钟鸣响
when friends rejoice both far and near 朋友们欢欣同庆
how can I keep from singing? 叫我怎能不歌唱?
In prison cell and dungeon vile 邪恶的牢狱关押中
our thoughts to them are winging, 我的思绪依然展翅翱翔
when friends by shame are undefiled 当无辜的朋友们被昭雪释放
how can I keep from singing? 叫我怎能不歌唱?