Heart of Music --- A Melody From Heaven

走吧,眼睛望着同一片天空,心敲击着暮色的鼓。 走吧,我们没有失去记忆,我们去寻找生命的湖。 走吧,路呵路,飘满了红罂粟...
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Though I hold the pen so long
My fantasy runs with this melody along
Even a single word becomes an extra here 
Again and Again it brings me to tear 

michellesnow 发表评论于
yes.the peace and tranquility in the piece is overpowering. music really purifies the soul. Beethoven's music is rich in emotion and very beautiful. it's really a good representation of Romantic period (but what do I expect, he is the one who began it) His music really reaches the deepest part of my soul.
I like beethoven's symphony no.5 (fate) 2nd and 3rd movement the most (for the time being, my favourite piece changes from time to time). I particularly like what Beethoven wrote at the cover page - fate knocking at the door. I feel that the struggle of fate is well-portrayed in this symphony and the process of overcoming too (personally, I prefer it than Eroica. but well, music is rather subjective (: )
wonder if you can drop me a note at my email s7114074183@nygh.moe.edu.sg
I am a music lover as well and I hope to communicate with you. And hopefully you can give me some new insights in my music and piano playing. I play piano too but I am sure I am not as good as you because I only learnt four years.
PS by the way, I love Chopin. Nocturne in C minor is an excellent and beautiful piece. It's breath-taking! I think you will like Chopin's piano concerto no. 1 too :D
and I love Rachmaninoff's piano concerto no. 2 second movement too. It is one of the very few pieces which can move me.
小村姑 发表评论于
首席聊天师 发表评论于
你的乐曲, 让人陷入了一种情境中。。。

戏雨飞鹰 发表评论于

周末快乐, 企鹅!
Adagios 发表评论于
铁拐鲤 发表评论于
yeah, "Even a single word becomes an extra here". so true.

let the slow tempo grab our hearts.
Let the 天籁之声 express our emotions:)