
I'd like to improve my English through exhcanges with Chinese friends in home and abroad.
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许多网友来邮件询问我练习英文写作的方法。 本人的方法之一是研读领导人的讲话、演讲稿。 国内领导人的讲话翻译稿在外交部网站上有,www.fmprc.gov.cn, 中英文对照, 对学习翻译的同学是很好的材料。

另外一个好处是能找到许多中国特色的语言的英语表达方式, 例如“科学发展观”,扩大内需,等。

这些英文译文是外交部翻译室的高翻反复推敲的结果, 应当是可靠、准确的英文, 大家可以放心地背。

Message from President Hu Jintao At the Opening Session of The First Round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues


On the occasion of the opening of the first round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues (S&ED), I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese Government and in my own name, warm congratulations and best wishes.

To set up the S&ED mechanism is an important agreement that President Obama and I have reached. It is also a strategic move aimed at strengthening the mutually beneficial cooperation between our two countries in various areas and promoting the sound, steady, comprehensive and in-depth development of China-US relations in the new era. Since the launch of this mechanism in April, the Chinese and US teams headed by special representatives of the two presidents have made careful preparations and tremendous efforts to implement the agreement of the leaders and ensure the smooth convocation of the first round of the dialogues as scheduled. I highly appreciate your efforts.

As two countries with significant influence in the world, China and the United States shoulder important responsibilities on a host of major issues concerning peace and development of mankind and enjoy extensive common interests and broad space for cooperation. In the face of the complex and changing international economic and political situation, our two countries should endeavor to expand common ground, reduce differences, enhance mutual trust and strengthen cooperation through the strategic and economic dialogues. This serves the common interests of the two sides and will help advance the positive, cooperative and comprehensive relationship between our two countries. It is also of great importance for peace, stability, development and prosperity of the whole world.

I hope that the two sides will conduct consultations in an equal and candid manner, bring into full play collective wisdom, and engage in in-depth discussions on the strategic, long-term and overarching issues in our bilateral relations. And I hope that the two sides will be innovative in thinking, adopt a pragmatic and enterprising approach, seek win-win progress and explore new areas, methods and avenues of mutually beneficial cooperation. I am confident that with the concerted efforts of both teams, the S&ED mechanism will keep improving and growing and inject new dynamism and make new contribution to our mutually beneficial cooperation in various areas and to the growth of our positive, cooperative and comprehensive relationship.

I wish the first round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues a crowning success.

May the relations between our two countries and the friendship between our two peoples grow even stronger.

