Progress report (partial)
Age of report: 32 months
Yangyang is a happy little boy that enjoys coming to school and telling others about his activities and preferences. He continues to love anything to do with transportation, will readily tell all around him about the transportation items that he sees or hears and he continues to identify automobiles on the street and in parking lots by their make (i.e.: Benz, Honda, etc.) and remember what kind of car his teacher drives. His play with transportation toys at school has been limited to 5 minutes so that he will integrate other toys and peers into his play. If asked he will readily tell you what to do when the timer goes off (put cars away & play with other toys) and apparently asks for the timer now at home as well. He can recognize, find and identify the letters of the alphabet and tell you how his name is spelled. Yangyang is interested in his peers at school and tries to engage them in his interests. However he tends to often speak loudly to them while in extremely close proximity to their face which is not always received well. The family continues to provide a loving, nurturing environment with a variety of stimulating toys to play with, openly asks questions to help promote Yangyang's development and follow through on recommendations made. :)
Outcome update / Progress:
#1 Readily uses either hand upon request.
#2 Can go up and down the stairs alternating his feet on the steps at the playground and on the school bus while holding on the rail especially when reminded.
#3 Feeds himself his meal entirely with a fork with only the occasional reach for food with his fingers.
#4 Plays next to peers with similar toys *as long as* he is not playing with cars/transportation toys. If kids are running out on the playground he too will run.
#5 Is not yet consistently making a criss-cross or circle in imitation. He has imitated a criss-cross on a couple of occasions, but generally draws 2 parallel lines or prefers to draw other items. He is getting better towards making a circle, but this activity is not a preferred activity and can be difficult to keep his attention on the task at hand.
#6 Is able to string 3 beads with much concentration and effort.
#7 Has just started within the last month to answer questions about his gender as well as the gender of peers and family.
#8 Will generally attempt tasks longer when requested and has discovered the art of distracting or changing subjects.