
龙南 is a county located in southern Jiangxi province, in Ganzhou district. 围屋 is the local name for castle. There are a lot of castles in LongNan county for some reason.

This particular castle was built about 200 years ago. It was originally moated, but the moat had been filled up now.

People still live in this castle today.

1. Note the corner structure is extended outside the main wall by about one meter. In this way, the defenders have a direct view of the whole wall, so that they can shoot at people standing close to the wall.


3. A large courtyard, in front of 祠堂。

4. 祠堂. This is 中堂. When important person comes to visit, the wood panels at the end of 中堂 can be taken out to form a larger hall with the back hall, and he can walk in the center of the hall to reach the back hall -> 中堂大人。Normally, you use the side doors instead.

5. Another courtyard. You can see evidence of residence here.




9. Stairs leading to the 2nd floor.

10. Viewing the outside wall from a corner structure.

11. A stage viewed from the 2nd floor.

12. A photo inside this castle showing circular castles. Circular castles were popular in Guangdong and Fujian provinces. According to the local urban lengend, in the 1960s, when US first launched spy satellites and captured those castles in photographs, the US intelligence thought those were missile silos. So they sent in ground agents and realized they were just old castles, and used for residence.
