Serious Scrap Metal Recycling: Crazy Can Sculptures
There’s often a large amount of difference between community service and innovative design. Canstructionis an annual event that’s aimed at changing that. The design event isheld in cities all around North America, Australia and across theworld. Over an 8-12 week period, teams of engineers, architects andstudents band together to create fascinating and amazing sculptures outof thousands of cans of food.
Following a public exhibit of the sculptures, all of the food isdonated to local food pantries and shelters. Created in 1992 by theSociety of Design Administration, Canstruction has collected over tenmillion pounds of food. More than 130 local competitions are expectedto be held in the 2009/2010 season.
These amazing structures really are feats of engineering. Thecompetition lets top architects and engineers show off their designskills to a huge audience while doing something good for the poor intheir city. Canstruction is sponsored by contributions from localassociations in every city, and visitors are invited to make additionaldonations of canned food or cash when coming to see the exhibit.
But more than being a great art exhibit, a chance for engineers andstrut their stuff and a unique philanthropic project, the Canstructionsculptures are an innovative way to create low-waste, ecologicallyfriendly art. The materials used don’t create an additional negativeenvironmental impact and just go to show that incredible things can bemade from ordinary, everyday materials.