“ 老鼠的儿子会打洞 ” 。此话不假,看看我女儿就知她承袭了我好为人师的恶习,课间休息,总有同学缠着练嘴皮子耍。
某天,一白MM请教: How to say “good friends” in Chinese?
女儿示范 N 遍,白MM 总不得要领。
少倾,白MM 屁颠屁颠地跑来了,兴奋地说: “H, I got it. I know the trick how to say good friends in Chinese now. The pronunciation of “ 好朋友 ” is very similar to jalapeno ( 好了朋农, “ 一种墨西哥辣椒 ”). Whenever, I want to say “ 好朋友 ” , I just need to remind myself of jalapeno. For example, we are jalapeno ( 好朋友 ) 。 ”
女儿白了她一眼,调侃她道: “Ya, you are right. We are both very hot.”
白MM 受了鼓舞,学中文的热情进一步高涨: “H , please tell me how to say the whole sentence in Chinese: we are good friends. ”
女儿一字一顿地示范: “ 我 - 们 - 是 - 好 - 朋 - 友。 ”
白 MM 很认真地复述: “ 我 - 们 - 是 -jalapeno.”
“No, we are not jalapeno. 我们是 - 好 - 朋 - 友。 ”
“Okay, 我 - 们 -“ 吃 ”- 好-朋-友。 ”
“Oh., my God.” 女儿又乐又晕,对着 hopeless 的白 MM 继续她那天的讲课。 “If you “ 吃 ” , please “ 吃 ” jalapeno, not 吃 good friends. I am not here for you to eat. ”
白 MM 一脸无辜的茫然。。。。。。