【中文歌专辑】蔡琴 - 银色月光下


蔡琴 - 银色月光下


01 在那遥远的地方
02 在那银色的月光下
03 可爱的一朵玫瑰花
04 花针引线线穿针
05 茉莉花
06 乡恋
07 弯弯的月亮
08 走西口
09 敖包相会
10 康定情歌
11 康定情歌+青春舞曲
12 歌声与微笑_庆典版
13 歌声与微笑_流浪版 




Mosical 发表评论于
Although I heard of singer (her name) but I had never paid attention to her singing until last weekend lilac08 compared Carly Simon's singing to 蔡琴's singing. I listened to a couple of her songs and I like her singing. And here is my first collection of 蔡琴's songs, her 42nd album.

Thanks for your message. Have a great new week!
戏雨飞鹰 发表评论于
读大学时不太喜欢听蔡琴的歌,太深沉,不够娇媚。可后来却爱上的蔡琴:) 她的演唱深沉而隽永,虽凝重却缭绕...蔡琴气息之稳定,吐字之讲究,真是无人能超越的。
