领略绘画艺术的魅力 31 Jeff Legg

有人觉得大师们画静物可能只是玄弄技艺,其实不然,好的静物能带来强烈的美感。曾经一位朋友为家里充满风景如画的玻璃窗而有寻画的疑惑,那么下面的这些静物会不会给你的房间带来一些不同的感受?杰夫拉格(Jeff Legg)1959出生于密苏里州,早在4岁初他就显现绘画天分12岁给一个知名艺术家当学徒,更坚定了学画的决心。30岁全职画画,通过学习班和展览,15年磨练成写实主义画家。又经两年学会伦勃朗的明暗对比画法。并能熟练地运用透明和不透明涂层法画出细小的光影,现在他仍为题材的变化和绘画理念不断探索。他是美国油画家协会的签约成员,主要专注于静物画创作.

Joplin, Missouri in 1959 is the birthplace and birth date of Jeff Legg, an emerging artist. As early as four years of age, Jeff was demonstrating his aptitude for drawing and by age 12 was an apprentice to a well-known regional artist and art professor. That foundation provided the impetus to study further at Atelier Lack and the Minneapolis Center of Art & Design. Now residing in the Ozark Mountain foothills in Pineville, Missouri, Jeff Legg set out early for a business career; yet by age 30 he was painting full time. 。

Jeff Legg works http://www.jefflegg.com/default3.asp http://www.astoriafineart.com/Artists/Legg%20-%20Jeff/Jeff%20Legg.htm http://www.legacygallery.com/gallery_artists/jeff_legg.html
