Good job on the article. If one has not seen female chinese physicians in every specialty yet, just keep looking out. They are there, intelligent and hardworking. As in USA, not many people are physicians, definitely not the most common job.
Sure. No problem. I make sure what she said and your comments as "breaking wind", but hers has no smell, yours smells something. --- By your logic, it's a blog. Who cares?
I am a chemical engineer and most Chinese Ladies I know work in the industries as engineers or researchers.
txchild 发表评论于
luckylv 发表评论于
oh, what about massage and or foot massage.
wxcqq 发表评论于
Your analysis is correct in some areas of USA, say like the San Francisco Bay area where I lived for 10 years. But in the city/ state I live now, it is a totally different industry and world, Chinese women’s professions are totally different as well, and of course they are not included in your list…
work88 发表评论于
jokerjoker 发表评论于
dancingswan 发表评论于
I know this for sure: physician is definitely NOT one of the most common jobs Chinese women have.
Do you have any idea how many Chinese physicians there are in US? If there is less than one Chinese physician (both male and female)physician out of 100 Chinese in US, how can you say this is one of the most common field?
Agree with fayfei. Be careful if your conclusion if based on your imagination.
agoodday 发表评论于
agree with "fayfei".
fayfei 发表评论于
I wonder what your analysis/conclusion is based on? Is it based on the statisitcs provided by the Bureau of Labor, or some other agencies, or your own impressions/imaginations? It seemed that you have worked in the field of "science" for years, but don't you know, at very least, your research findings should be based on the evidence, not only on your observations?