if only ...

If only this rain would stop. 如果这雨停了就好了。if only... 如果。。。就好了。虚拟语气,表示与愿望相反。

dirt cheap = as cheap as dirt 极其便宜 = 便宜的跟尘埃污垢一样

a hair dryer (y)

I'm getting nowhere with this problem. 对。。。毫无进展

I'll try to bring you up to date on what we've done. He'll tell her what she's missed。 /-st/ 他将告诉她她耽误了的功课。

I was hoping we both would be in ... 与现在事实相反的愿望

Every once in a while = sometimes 偶尔,有时

Would you mind...?。。。问介意不?Not at all.
