
Journalist says she was tortured by her captors

She was kept in a dark, windowless room. She was beaten routinely. She was forced to call her mother and beg for her life.


This was the waking nightmare that kidnapped Canadian journalist Amanda Lindhout lived through for more that a year in Somalia. Yesterday, just hours after being released from captivity, she suggested she will never be the same again.


"Everything has changed. I'm not the same person I was 16 months ago," Lindhout told Global National from the Somalia capital. "It's kind of hard for me to say what's going to happen. I'm still in shock."

“每件事都变了. 我不再是16个月前的我,” 阿莫大·林奥特在索马里首都对世界日报记者说。“对我来说很难说将会发生什么。我仍在发抖。”
