Underwater Jewels: The Ocean’s Most Colorful Slugs
When we think of slugs, most of us picture the small, grey, slimyland variety. But under the surface of the ocean lives a whole otherworld of colorful, fascinating sea slugs. They’re called nudibranchs,and they come in a stunning array of colors and shapes.
(images via: SeaWayBlog)
Nudibranchs are found all over the world, but they’re most prolificin warm, shallow sea water. Their coloration varies widely, from themuted colors of some easy-to-overlook types to the neon, clown-likeappearance of others. Likewise, their physical forms are extremelyvaried. One consistent characteristic is the “tentacles” on the headswhich allow nudibranchs to feel, smell and taste.
(images via: Raymond)
There are around a thousand species of nudibranchs, and because oftheir extremely diverse appearances it’s often not easy for divers toidentify the specific types they encounter. Many online forums havesprung up to help divers and underwater photographers identify justwhat types of nudibranches they’ve managed to spot, as well as to sharetheir finds with the nudibranch enthusiast community.
(images via: Raymond)
Nudibranchs’ unusual name comes from their distinctive breathingmethod: “naked” branchial (breathing) tubes on their backs whichresemble branches or bushes. However, not all nudibranchs sport thisunusual-looking breathing apparatus. While nudibranchs are commonlyreferred to as “sea slugs,” which is technically a valid title, itshould be noted that not all sea slugs are nudibranchs.