Live a life without fear

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We have many things to fear in our lives. Although they greatly affect our life quality, we usually live with them and tolerate them without encountering crisis in our lives. It is when we face crisis that we finally have the courage to confront these fears face-to-face and eradicate them. We should live without fear. A person fearing nothing is a true human being and demand respect from others. // What are we afraid of? A big and basic fear is the loss of livelihood. We realize nobody can be depended on (not even our spouse and parents) and we have to earn our living. We are afraid of losing jobs and income. We are afraid of being unable to pay our debt. We are afraid losing the roof above us and being hungry without food. We are afraid of being unable to find a wife or husband. We are afraid of having no friends and being lonely. These are obvious things that we are afraid of. We are also afraid of other people, someone who can physically harm us, someone who is smarter than us, our boss or peers, our spouses. We are afraid that we cannot learn a skill or even a game as well as others do. We are afraid of changes, future unknowns, and taking risks. We are afraid of failure. We are afraid of not being respected by others. We are afraid of living a boring and meaningless life. We are afraid of not being as good and successful as others. We fear for our parents' health and next generations. We are afraid of having no sons or daughters. We are afraid of solving tough problems in our marriages and relationships. We are afraid of getting old and death. We are afraid of disease and pain. //Knowing what fear we have makes it much easier to face them. If we work hard and are confident about ourselves, we will have less and less fear. Have less fear makes it easier to face problems in our lives and become more confident. As it is always said, the biggest fear is the fear itself. When the thing that we fear the most falls upon us some day, we would know that the fear of it is much worse than actually experience it. //
