肯定还有不少漏网之鱼,先到这里吧。老公的优点也不少,不过为了俺苦菜花派的帮派利益起见, 我就不在这里媚他了。 蜜瓜 MM 们别生气啊,俺这是与你们闹着玩的,有气,就拿更大的蜜瓜来砸吧, 87878787 所有蜜瓜和苦菜花们,过节就是显摆和攀比的季节,比灯,比菜,比老公啦~~~~~
海棠花飞 发表评论于
心灵泉 发表评论于
海棠花飞 发表评论于
Thank you for stopping by my blog. Interesting comments :) Two quotes imply different personalities.
“ So what he got that I haven't got ?” suggested that this person tends to focus on what is missing in his life in comparison with others. He seems to look up on others in his daily life.
Whereas the quote "I've got what they got, then what else ?" is exactly the opposite. He is confident that he has what ordinary people have. He is challenging himself to ponder on what else he can have that other people don't have? Hohoho... Greedy : )
This piece was written for fun. Thank you for all the nice comments. I write only when I have the mood to write. While my mood is unpredictable. Usually I don't look back on what I wrote a while ago since I may find that my argument points could be conflicting among different essays. Sense and sensibility often don't get along with each other. Well, life is a box of chocolate......
Happy holidays!
纵然平行 发表评论于
Hmm, “ So what he got that I haven't got ?” Good question, but it falls short. I'd be inclined to ponder: I've got what they got, then what else ? :).
By a chance, I read your piece; I like the sense of humor and fairness as they have a kick to it.
I'd also like to point out that there seems no trace of obnoxious man-bash or oversized-feminist ego or hijacking-styled self-serving in this writing. In my opinion, such approach towards relationships between men and women is somewhat healthier and more sensible because appreciating on top of recognition of gender deviation and individual uniqueness would really make a big difference when it comes to romantic and lasting relationship.
If poking fun at us for men's shortcomings could lift your holiday spirits, then be it :).