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婆婆对我的drug free纯自然生产和纯母乳喂养孩子的做法非常满意。说了这么多,就是想先说明我跟婆婆之间的关系非常的好。


最近我发现宝宝开始对妈妈吃什么喝什么感兴趣了。而且宝宝坐着的时候可以稳稳地脖子支撑住脑袋。我觉得是时候考虑(只是考虑)给宝宝在满六个月的时候加辅食了。虽然婆婆纯母乳喂养到9个月老公都长得这么高大结实,可我直觉这好像有点极端。于是找资料看过晚加辅食对宝宝有什么影响。研究说宝宝在后半岁有一半的营养源来自辅食。加辅食过晚会让有些宝宝拒绝吃辅食,而且决定宝宝的eating habits 最关键的时期是2岁以内。






rubyduantokyo 发表评论于
Thank you so much for sharing your experience of introducing solids to baby. I found it very helpful. I am amazed how similar our babies are when they were born. Good luck and glad to see you and your son are doing so great!
haozi101 发表评论于
Sorry, I can't type Chinese at work. After reading some your posts, I found your baby girl was born weighing 8lbs 8oz at 41 weeks. I just had a son this March who was also 1 week late and weighted 8lbs 8oz. Looking at your b-day, we were born in the same year but my b-day was in Feburary. Plus, my husband is also American and we live in States right now.
I was not brave enough to have drug-free natural birth. My son was induced and I asked for epidual. Luckily, his birth was so easy, it only took 20 minutes push from 10cm dilation. And he is my first one.
Regarding the solid feeding, Since neither my family nor my husband's family had food allergy history, I started my son around 4 months old as suggested by pediatrician (some suggest around 6 month old). I think the purpose of solid feeding is not for nutrition, it is to teach infant solid eating habit. Especially from what you have described, your daughter has shown curiosity to your food and she has good head support, these are all ready signs for solid food. Since I started my son at 4 months and after testing for food allergy using Gerber stage 1 single puree food for about two months, I switched him to stage 2 food around 6 months old. Now I started introducing stage 3 food and finger food and table food since he is almost 9 month old. I'd like him to learn how to feed himself. It will be beneficial for him since he has been in daycare for a few months.