

昨晚,上完大提琴课,已快八点,天乌黑,空气凝重,快下雪了!我们急急忙忙地往家赶。一路上,看到有人家门前,挂满熠熠闪烁的红绿白色,还有鹿啊圣诞老人之类的。女儿感叹,Mommy, 我们也该装饰一下咱们的房子了!我点头同意。 “我知道,Mommy没时间,也没有钱。。。

讲到圣诞礼物,她说,Mommy, 你准备给我买什么呢?我说,你要什么?她说,我就要双Puma的鞋,没其他。My friends make long wish lists to tell their parents what they want for Christmas. Mommy, you are lucky that I am not like them. 不过,我会Make A Wish List. 但是,你不用给我都买。把list放在冰箱上,以后,我如果考试得高分,或得什么奖,你就可以给我买一样, 鼓励鼓励我。(她就是这样,经常引导我,如何来带她)

又说道,她的朋友都有个长长的wish list。 有一个人要一个Tiffany的戒指。I do not understand why she would ask for a Tiffany ring. It is so expensive. She is not old and responsible enough to take care of an expensive Tiffany ring. She will lose it. I won’t want a ring like that. I will wait until I am older enough. Maybe when I graduate from high school, Mommy, you can get me a Tiffany ring. (又来引导我了!)

Talking about private schools, “Quite a few of my friends are having interviews with private school these days. Their parents are willing to make the investment on private schools. That is understandable. But I do not need to go to private schools. I know our town has very school system. I can do very well in our public high school. I am sure I can get into one of those ivy leagues. I can do it!”
