家庭暴力的发生常常有一段积累的过程。不是说一开始就动手了,或者说动手一次,就经常动手。很多时候,有分歧,有矛盾了,有了争吵,说些攻击人的话,耍态度,有一天开始动手打人起来了。一般在physical abuse之前早就发生了verbal abuse和 mental abuse。Abuser 也并非全是没教养,没文化,粗鲁的男人。My Abuser 看起来一表人材,聪明智慧,非常charming.也是一位成功的海归商人。It take me long time to realize I'm in an abusive relationship. My abuser, like most other typical abusers, are good at manipulating people. For years, he made me feel that I am the cause of him losing control, and that I need to become a better woman so to best help out everyone else in the family.It is towards the end, I realized that he has double standards and he is extreamly self-centered. Nothing is ever his fault.
离婚以后我开始有了自己的朋友圈子。我也送女儿们去学武术,跆拳道。从我自身的经历,我开始教育女儿们不能仅仅是Nice Girl.相反地,要学会爱护自己,处事有Boundary. 我觉得选择伴侣时要特别cautious. 像我一样不幸选择了abusive man. 如果没有孩子,应当尽早离开。有了孩子,才意识到对方是abuser,要先考察对方是不是有改好的可能。通常不幸的是 abuser的家人本身就是abusive的。如果有公婆,小姑也是同伙,就不要再抱希望了。在保护好自己和孩子的情况下,尽快离开。Take a good exit plan with helps from your own friends.
谢谢小泥山。离开这段婚姻,我才真正勇敢起来. It takes lots of courage to break up the abusive relationship.
我曾自以为是好女人,because I tried my best I to keep up my family and I gave the best I can to my family. 婚姻中的我,敬佩我的丈夫,是顺服的好太太。现在我觉得如果我走不出这段错误的婚姻,我将留给我孩子们一个错误的人生价值观。Most likely, my daughters could be victims of domestic violence if they grow up in this relationship.
朋友们说我很傻,想想也是。It toke me so long to realize the problem. 正是因为傻到了底,我才看清了My abuser最本质的问题。任他在外人眼里多风光,离开他, 我已不再有任何的留念。He was only my abusers in my past. He had never really loved me.
我后来接受了专家的帮助。有专门提到:"When people take a neutral stand between you and your abusive partner, they are in effect supporting him and abandoning you, no matter how much they may claim otherwise"。 在States,有专门的针对abusive man's program. 有大量的心理学书籍专门讨论这方面的心理疗伤,legal issue. 国外的许多教会也会专门提到:Your abusers's issue is his/her own problem. It is not of your guilt.国人受到这方面的教育很少,在中国,家庭暴力的赔偿最高限额是人民币八万块钱。想告也没处告。
作为受害者,需要学会forgiving.但是forgiving不是说简单的和好。Forgiving doesn't mean that you can trust him again. In fact, before you are sure he has been changed, be cautions the fact that he is good at manipulating. Try to rely on legal system to deal with him. You can not act against him strongly enough by your own, since otherwise you are not an abused one. Forgiving 是为了自己能够moving forward.我选择不去做一个仇恨的女人。坦然去接受这样的事实,曾经是受害者。A battered woman can become a strong and wise woman. 挥一挥手,一样可以有一个优雅的人生。
首先,D兄一出场不久,就主动发表了系统完整的总结声明。一派大腕风范。D兄是以自己的行动告诫我们,ABUSER在行为上最根本的特征是controlling behaviour.Abusive person typically considers him/herself the sole authority on family decision making. Abusive person believes in the superiority of his/her judgement and thinks the partner needs to learn from him/her.
D兄本贴一开始就申明反对家庭暴力。第一论点中直接表态:“深层的矛盾不解决,家庭暴力不会停止”。这实在揭露的完全彻底。Abusers believe in their heart, that they are entitled to use violence against their partner and solve conflicts. An intimated relationship involves a steady flow of decisions to be made, conflicting needs to negotiate, tastes and desires to balance. In abusive relationship, the abuser wants to reward the partner only with violence if abuser hears different voices.
D兄在第二和第三论点中采用了一种较为复杂的技巧,叫“twisting". Abusive person twists things into their opposites.你看这里大家在谈反对家暴,报警不报警是其中一个具体处理方式。大家回头看看泥山的回应,就会恍然大悟。D兄只把第二论点句子里的“打人”两字换成了“报警”。施暴的一方便成了victim,而报警便成为威胁的手段。(我前夫同我玩过这招,我就中过计。这会儿逃不过关了。)同样的道理,D兄用一个极端现象:“大部分男人都羞于让人知道在家被老婆打”,再一次扮演victim的角色。Abuser获取了他人的同情,犯罪也变的有理了。
那么我们好男人,好女人能做什么? 我想说:请把你们的幸福带给下一代,也请把你们的幸福代给那些不幸的,包括battered women, abused victims.象ID老姐,碰上目击暴力及时报警是一种方式。以后我们可以再交流,教育下一代,(包括我们自己)如何去辨认abusive behavior, 哪些是early warning signs of abuse, 如何去response verbal abuse, how to assist abused women etc.
我们在北美的华人,有幸身处在对家庭暴力有着健全的法律体制之中。There are lots of resource out there to assist abused victims. Nobody should have to live in abusive relationship.
Domestic violence is a crime.
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Domestic violence is a crime.ZT