网友彼岸的灯火也曾经是一个家庭暴力的受害者。她已经离开了那个施暴者,和Peter 重组了家庭。因为Peter工作的性质与社区福利有关,Peter为加拿大的网友提供了一些有用信息。我现在把它们列在一起,便于查阅。谢谢彼岸和Peter !
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![]() 西方人报警的,大多都会选择离婚。报警而不想选择离婚的,报警方大多是因为恐惧。警察对报警的处理,还是比较人性化的,大多会先告诉双方后果有多严重,要是还想维持的家庭,可以选择降低论述暴力情况,大多警察只给个警告。但要再次发生报警的,警察直接就会抓人。 我有个roommate述说,他女儿曾报警,说他打她,招来警察,警察来了,他只承认踢了女儿的鞋,警察记录了这件事,但最后警察只是给了个警告走了,所以报警,不是一下子就留下犯罪记录的。 |
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![]() What can happen to an abuser If a woman contacts the police, the police could charge the abuser with a criminal offence. If the abuser is not a Canadian citizen, a criminal conviction can lead to the abuser being removed from Canada. In most cases, a permanent resident who is ordered deported has a right to appeal that decision to the Immigration Appeal Division of the IRB. A person who is convicted of an offence that results in “bodily harm” against a member of their family, or their spouse or partner’s family, cannot sponsor anyone. This is also true if they are convicted of attempting or threatening to commit this kind of offence. Often, when a marriage breaks down, a sponsor will refuse to continue supporting the spouse. Sponsors who are unable or unwilling to meet their sponsorship obligations are usually not allowed to sponsor anyone else in the future. And, if someone they sponsored received social assistance, the government will take steps to get the money back from the sponsor. Getting legal help If an abused woman’s stay in Canada is at risk, she should get legal advice before she goes to CIC. There may be legal issues affecting her situation that she is not aware of. For example, she may be from a country that Canada is not sending people back to because of the human rights situation there. She should speak to a family lawyer, especially if she has children. In some circumstances, if there is a court order under family law that deals with the children, her removal from Canada might violate the order. If she wants to make an H&C application, she should get legal advice about the application. She should also know that if she does not have status in Canada and she contacts the police, they may decide to contact immigration authorities. The police computer will show if there is an immigration warrant in her name. For legal advice, a woman can contact a community legal clinic or a lawyer. Community legal clinics give free legal advice to people with low incomes, but not all clinics deal with immigration issues. |
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![]() 1. What kind of proof is needed to convict someone? All that is required is for the woman to file a complaint with the police to institute proceedings... i.e. to have recorded that she feels that she has been abused. This will then begin an investigation by police and Social Services. During that time, the wife and children can ask for support in a woman's shelter for abused women, where she and her children will be safe. If the charge is proven true, then formal charges are laid and the man is formally charged and can be sentenced in a court of law and possibly deported with no chance of being allowed back into the country. If the charge is proven false, then counseling, or the woman can be charged with mischief, which can affect her immigration status depending on the seriousness of the false charge. 2. What if the abused wants to withdraw the charge against the possible abuser later? Social Services and the courts will insist that there is counseling to ensure this perception of abuse is taken care of. In Canada the crime of spousal abuse is taken very seriously. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES can either party (man or woman) be physically, verbally or economically abused, as the definition and actions of the parties can sometimes lead to murder, suicide and long term affect upon children and extended family. |