钢铁般的意志,蜗牛式的耐心,Buffet 的投资哲学

就是我艰辛的实践,也是我未来成功的保障。借以上几句话来纪念今天MBI的上涨。MBI 这几天明显比大盘强很多。尤其是今天出了大量。就在昨天,我还在担心我巨大的MBI持仓量。我不怕它下跌,我怕MARGIN CALL.所以坚强的意志是很重要的。今天的上涨意味着我又通过了一个折磨人的考验。我在3.3到3.5之间买了大量的MBI,愿上帝保佑我!

“There is no secret ingredient, you just have to believe it.

I am not predicting short term trend on MBI, I am holding it mid to long term. I may sell or add along the way, more likely selling since I have too much of it. But I am very bullish on its short term performance too. MBI\'s endured a lot of bad news lately: seemingly bad quarterly report, possible bankruptcy of ABK, kicked out of sp500 ... I think we have seen the worst. Draw your own conclusion, pay attention to insider buys.
