081 Butter up

Butter up


(PW) flatter for selfish reasons

I buttered up my boss before I asked him off for the upcoming holiday.



butter someone up and butter up to someone

to flatter someone; to treat someone especially nicely in hopes of receiving special favors. (See also spread something on thick; soft soap.) A student tried to butter the teacher up. She buttered up the teacher again.


butter somebody up also butter up somebody

to praise someone in order to get them to like you or do what you want The magazine tried to get her to write an article by buttering her up.




To compliment excessively and ingratiatingly: adulate, blandish, flatter, honey, slaver. Informal soft-soap, sweet-talk. See praise/blame.


Idioms: Butter up


To compliment excessively and ingratiatingly: adulate, blandish, flatter, honey, slaver. Informal soft-soap, sweet-talk. See praise/blame.



Meaning: Praise or flatter someone excessively

Example: I tried BUTTERING my tutor UP but she still wouldn\'t let me hand it in late.
