周末,在美东大雪遮天盖日的华盛顿,奥巴马从哥本哈根徒手而归,而国会的参议员们为了继续奥巴马的改革大业,不惜牺牲又一个周末,赶工辩论,要在圣诞节前通过这个“吵”了近半年的医改方案。虽然民意调查显示美国的绝大多数人反对这个医改方案,但民主党却“固执”地认为,在占有绝大多数席位的两院,经过长达近半年的讨价还价,最后仍不能达成某个协议,那政治上的负面影响对民主党将是巨大的,将严重影响奥巴马“改革”的形象,和后续改革的进程。所以,这一次,参院可以说是绞尽脑汁,用尽一切方法争取所需要的 60 票。参院民主党领袖 Harry Reid 喊话表示:“ inaction is no option 。”无为不是选择。就是说参院民主党是要不惜一切代价,在圣诞节前通过这个立案。
周六,民主党参议员 Ben Nelson 在与白宫和参院同僚进行最后讨价还价后,表示对修改过的有关堕胎规定的立案可以接受,使参院民主党拿到需要通过的第 60 票。这一票也是在允诺给与 Nebraska 州的 medicaid (医疗补助)提供特殊的款项( 4 千 5 百万)后,因为 Nelson 就是来自 Nebraska 州。共和党的议员 Tom Coburn 在议会大厅发言抨击道:“这个程序已经不是 legislation (立案),而是腐败( corruption ),因为需要的票是“买”来的。”在周日早上 CNN 的 “state of union ”节目上,主持人 John King 在采访奥巴马的高级顾问 David Axelrod 时, David 公然表示这种“买票”不是现在才发生的,国会的议员为他们选民争取利益有很长的历史了,暗喻美国国会的立案程序既是如此。但在问到奥巴马竞选承诺就是要要改革这种现状时, David 表示奥巴马 今后 会对此进行改革的。
纽约日报用“接受了惨胜”来形容奥巴马对医改和哥本哈根结局的态度,但是,是惨胜还是惨败?照顾了特殊利益集团,输掉了民意,如果这个改革给奥巴马及民主党带来了明年大选的失利,恐怕还是得不偿失。其实,在这种民怨沸腾的形势下,恐怕采用中国的中庸之道才是奥巴马的最佳战略 - Inaction is better than wrong action – 无为胜于乱为!
Thank you so much for underanding! It's exactly what I was trying to say. Souds like that you are still optimistic like I do, however, lots people are losing faith day afeter day..
buzz 发表评论于
I am not doomed, heihei, i am enjoying the best christmas, celebrating the passing of the healthcare bill, it's a great win for the american people.
I don't care about GOP or Democrats, if they are corrupted. They are not good for american people anyway. I trust neither one of them, if you think Democrats are better, you are doomed.This country is run by american people, we will kick them out. I guess one thing you don't understand is that most of us do fight.
mehaa 发表评论于
Only people who learns to seek the truth will prevail in the end. Media is not going to tell you all the truth. You have to do your own homework. When you are so wrapped up in your ideology, you won't see the truth. Sometimes it's hard to swallow when your own party or the politicians you looked up to are not the same as you think they are, but to simply dismiss it or to blindly trust them are not going to get you anywhere. We have learned that in a hard way.
buzz 发表评论于
GOP will destroy the country, period.
mehaa 发表评论于
Most of you are not up to understand what the author is really talking about. He is not a pro-republican or an anti-democrat. He understands that both parties are corrupted, politicians (republicans and democrats)within beltway are so out of touch, they don't know or they don't care what we the people really expect them to do. That's the problem. The whole process of this health care reform is just a farce. BO and his croonies have no clue what majority people really want, they just keep testing the water, first of all, they insisted a robust public option, they had to back off when they faced the relentless push back from american people. Now what's left in the bill is something that nobody from both righ and left wants.
It's so sad that some of you are still arguing about GOPs or Dems, the turth is most of them are sold out. They no longer serve we the people. Now it's time for us to clean the house. We conservatives will be back in 2010 and 2012.
By the way, you guys still remembered BO bashed wall street fat cats last week, guess what, do you really know how much money he received from those fat cats? Go figure!
穷人想少花钱, 富人不想多付钱。 就这么简单, 但又那么复杂!
Who pays for Public option?
信社还是姓资? 看来不光是老中的问题。我相信共和党,但也相信不能有绝对的权威。 谁要相信共均富,就去北韩吧, 适应了去两零就成。
相信public option会降低保费是太天真了。 Medicaid的现状有多少人明白?既然政府出钱,干脆明令保险公司把保费去两零得了,何必搞一个public option, 把保险公司搞的都破产了,再bailout,绕这么个大圈子!
I'm conservative,and inline with traditional republican principles, but nowadays, lots republicans are RINO(Republican in name only), not real republicans, that's why they lost both houses last year, and the presidential election.
Please read thsi as well - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/12/22/after-ripping-clinton-and_n_401270.html
起时 发表评论于
I said that it's in House's bill, but who removed it form senate bill since Republicans have no say in senate bill, it must be removed by the senate democrates.
The insurance antitrust exemption is in House bill which has been approved already, but it's removed from Senate bill, and Republicnas has no say in the senate bill, so who removed it?
buzz 发表评论于
as far as I know, Obama wanted to take out the 保险公司垄断的免除 (Insurance Industry Antitrust Exemption),but GOP fought fiercely to keep it. So, it is the GOP which is fighting for the speicial interest group, not Obama, please check out the fact.
I commented on this article. But the comment was lost. What happened?
My point was that 医保公司 is the biggest winner out of this "reform". Obama betrayed the voters's trust. He cares too much about his face than the people's well being. The reform he preached has becoming an empty promise. This Healthcare bill is one of his "face project (Mian Zi Gong Cheng)"
A plan without public option has nothing left. Only force the uninsured people to buy insurance and force others pay more tax.