
Miss A has unquestionable character, very high moral standards and excellent conduct at all times.


No matter how much he has accomplished, Mr. A always remains very humble, unselfish and unspoiled.


He is also a good follower and willingly supports others in leadership roles. He is unusually happy and supportive in the successes of his peers.


Mr. Wang has a particularly easygoing and adaptable manner which makes him pleasant to work with. His intelligence always allows him to grasp situations in good perspective.


I have known Mr. A for the past twenty years, and can vouch for his character and personality.


Courteous, patient and tactful, Mr. A is well-liked and respected by the staff. He is always punctual and dependable.


Mr. B always practises what he preaches. With his pleasant disposition,he has excellent relations with other co-workers.


He is a man who thinks of others and does not think only of himself. He is a bright student, but even beyond that, a fine, splendid, socially-minded human being.


During the past ten years, I have found him to be a man of fine character, with a sense of honesty and integrity. He is always willing to accept responsibility.


He has strong verbal and written communication skills and an ability to work with almost anyone.


Miss Lee’s graciousness and unfailing kindness endear her to her associates, while her fine character, sincerity and high ideals have won their respect.


He is such a friendly and modest person that social or intellectual snobbishness has no place with him. Students meet him gladly and faculty members enjoy his companionship.


Mr. A is aware of his strengths and frankly admits his weak points. He willingly surrenders to those with greater knowledge and experience. He strives actively for self-improvement.


(也有人愛用development opportunity代替 weak point )

With his magnetic personality, humorous expressions and wisdom, he is an outstanding figure among his associates.


What I particularly admire about Mr. A is how he can retain his humor under a considerable amount of stress.


He is a tireless worker and an inspiring person. His co-workers have often turned to him for advice and cooperation. I have no doubt that he is an individual of incredible character.


Mr. A is a good caring young man who shows great concern and warmth for those around him. He is willing to give of himself to help others without expecting anything in return.


Among Mr. B’s many attributes are his pleasant personality, courteous manners, quick-witted intelligence and genuine honesty.


With his friendly manner and congenial personality, it was always a pleasure to have him in my class.



