2010年新年除夕晚餐 2010 New Year Eve Dinner

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We didn't have white Christmas in 2009. But snow did visit us after the Christmas. Surprisely, lots of people could deal with the sudden change weather. Road was messy with stopping cars. In stead of going out, we decided to avoid the possible dangerous and stay at home celebrate the last day of 2009.

2009 New Year Eve Menu is very simple: 简单的除夕夜晚餐

First Course:
Spinach and Fig Salad (菠菜无花果色拉)

Appetizer 1: Bacon Wrap Dates (培根包果脯)

Appetizer 2: Cocktail Shrimp (鸡尾虾)

Main Course: Ribeye Steak and Prawns (牛排和大虾)

Bread: Homemade Crusty Cheesy Baguette  (酥脆芝士法国面包片)

Desert: Homemade Ice Cream Sundae

First Course: Spinach and Fig Salad (菠菜无花果色拉)

The ingredients are what I found in our fridge: spinach, tomoato, radish, cucummber and figs. Didn't add onion because I didn't like the taste of raw onion. The dressing was homemade yogurt dresshing: 1 cup of homemade Greek yogurt with pinch sea salt and fresh grounded pepper, add 1 tsp of fresh lemon juice. Mix well. Nice and healthy.

 色拉菜是我在家里冰箱里搜出来的: 菠菜,西红柿,水萝卜,黄瓜和无花果果脯. 不喜欢生洋葱的味道,所以没加,色拉酱是我用自己做的希腊式酸奶做的,






Appetizer 1: Bacon Wrap Dates (培根包果脯)

I learned this one from a local French resturaunt. The ingredients are bacon and dates. All I have is thick cut bacon. I think thin cut bacon works the best. It is easy to wrap and less fat. Also, I've tried dates, figs and prunes. I like prunes and dates the best. Figs tends to chewy after baked in the oven. But they were good as well.

这道是我从一家法国餐厅学来的, 主要原料是培根和果脯,就这么简单,我家只有厚的培根, 我任为薄的培根比较好包,肥油相对来说比厚的少些.另外,我用了无花果,果脯李子,和伊拉克枣. 我个人喜欢果脯李子和伊拉克枣, 无花果烤后会有点失去水分变得有点硬,不过还是很好吃的. 请看操作规程:

This is the final product. 做好后是这样的:

Take a close look. They are so yummy. 近看看:

Appetizer 2: Cocktail Shrimp  (鸡尾虾)

I made this last year. We liked it very much. Someone in our family demanded to have it again. So, here it is. I used fresh horseradish this time. Here is how to.

去年这一天我也做了这一道. 自己做的鸡尾汁很好吃, 我家有人专点这一道, 所以又做了这个,这次我用的是新鲜辣根, 看下图:

If you like to see the detail of the cocktail shrimp, follow this link: Cocktail Shrimp. Here is the final product:

Take a look closer again.

Main Course: Ribeye Steak and Prawns (牛排和大虾) and Homemade Crusty Cheesy Baguette (酥脆芝士法国面包片)

All we wanted this time was the steak and shrimp. It happened we had ribeye steak and large prawns (16/20 per lb) at home. Easy to make and we loved it.

今年的除夕晚餐牛排和大虾很和胃口.正好家里有牛眼肉排和16/20号的大虾,好做有好吃, 人人爱.

Dinner is ready. Here is the salad and bacon wrapped dates:


Next, let's have some cocktail shrimps:


Here comes steak and prawns:


Desert: Homemade Ice Cream Sundae (家做的冰激凌Sundae)

I made peach ice cream couple days ago. It was really good. Nothing you can compare the homemade ice cream. So, I did a little twist to make the ice cream sundae.

1 pint homemade peach ice cream

1 home grown Kiwi, peeled and sliced

4 homemade Pin wheel cookies

2 square dark chocolate (melt with 1 tsp butter)

2 oz halzelnuts, toasted and chopped

Assemble everything together as below pictures:

之前两天我在家做了桃子冰激凌, 好好吃哦,自己家做的就是比买的好吃, 讲起甜点,我就用它做原料加些零碎做个冰激凌Sundae.

1 罐自己家做的冰激凌

1 只家里种的迷猴桃, 去皮, 切片

4 块自己做的车轮饼干, 做发看这里: 自己做的车轮饼干

2 块黑巧克力, 用1小勺奶油化开

2 盎司的榛子果仁,烤香,切碎


Take a close look: 近一点看看:

I heard something like this: "Could I have another one, please? If I may..." ha ha ha!

Happy New Year!!!