和老大的对话 1

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I went out to get J a replacement phone. i talked to the sales rep about his remoteness during the process and she mentioned her nephew getting there at age 11. She also said she got her cell at 15 but she had to pay for it. She started babysitting at 12 to earn money. I noticed J got a pair of shoes on which i didn't buy for him. Jason said it was from Marco, his friend. Marco never wore them and doesn't need them.
On our way home, i told J that I expect him to look for a job after he finishes his piano CM test. As I always state, I won't support him after high school. It is good for him to work, understand the value of money and manage social/work/school work before college years. Also he can accumulate some funds for later tuition.
"J, if you work hard on finding jobs and support yourself, but still need extra help and I have resources, I will give you a hand. But if you expect everything handed to you, that is not going to happen. Is it fair?"
"Did I ask too much from you, J?"
"So you think it is reasonable?"
"Will you think you are less priviledged compare to your friends, such as Marco, Elton and Dillon?"
"No. Marco gets plenty because he is the only boy for multiple families, so they all compete for his favor."
"Then what about the twins, Elton and Dillon? They have plenty allowance and gadgets."
"I just think they are spoiled."
"Do your friends have extra curriculum class, such as piano, chinese?"
"No, they don't"
"You do know that those classes are more expensive for those toys and gadgets, right?"
"ok, yes"
"Don't you think the classes are better in the long run, even you don't enjoy them now, than those stuff they get?"
I think I got nothing to lecture anymore. but as a finishing note:
"Do you feel you are deprived of necessasities?"
I think I am a content mom at that moment.