宝宝趣事 (3 years 3 months)

this blog is meant for my little precious
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回家后一直问:when will the bean sprout? why the tree needs roots? why tree needs sun? how do they make food? why some trees are naked some are not? blah blah blah, 烦死了。

再去公园时,看不见bean sprot,有点失望,又再找来些种子,再一次播种。

我以为她把事情给忘了,没想到有一天她听见我们说春天好象要来了,立刻高兴的喊:hooray, 我的种子要长了!!



elizabeth vs belly zerbert

带宝宝去医生诊所的路上,我告诉她那是新的医生,名字是Dr. Elizabeth Arias。当时很吵,我看见宝宝疑惑的表情却听不见她说什么。

后来我也忘了。到了诊所,她问我:妈妈,为什么医生要给我belly zerbert?


oh oh oh......

她把elizabeth听成 belly zerbert了。难怪之前她的表情那么的怪。

(belly zerbert就是在孩子肚皮上吹气,同时嘴巴还要发出喷气的声音。宝宝对这游戏是又怕又爱)。

 2 types of blood
宝宝突然有很严肃的语气对我说:mom, do you know that i have two types of blood in my body?

我莫名其妙的看着她:2 types of blood?

"yes, the oxygen rich blood and oxygen poor blood"

噢,这个啊,我还以为她要说她体内有两中不同的血型,“what do they do"?

"oxygen rich blood send oxygen to the cells all over the body, so that they could survive. then the oxygen rich blood become oxygen poor blood. the oxygen poor blood will go back to heart. the heart send them to the lung, to get oxygen. the oxygen poor blood become oxygen rich blood again. they will go back to the heart and the heart will pump them to all over the body, so that the cells could get the oxygen."

