老二学校的World Cultures Festival

为孩子和LG做饭, 心里喜欢他们吃饭的样子...
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Culture Exhibition: Where are you from? Everyone has a story to tell. Come and see what families have to share in our display area. You are guaranteed to learn something new!

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Culture Activities: You can try your hand at making pasta, learn Spanish, fold paper cranes, have your name written in Russian or in Chinese, and much more!

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Culture Performance: Amazing talent!

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World Food Fair: Come sample food from many regions of the world. Savory and sweet, spicy and mild--we've got it here. “It was a truly unique experience for the children and families who attended--where can you find so many different dishes to sample from so many cultures in one room? I think it was a day that will be remembered by all for many years
to come."

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