我每天都听 Dave Ramsey 的节目。问问老美你就知道他多有名气。
最近我甚至有点以为,美国人那种过度消费,过度贷款,动不动就 I deserve....的理念会不会就是银行家和资本家联合搞出来的,鼓励出来,培养出来的呀?
浪宽 发表评论于
你说到点子上了。确实是观念问题。我们学雷锋学了很多年,做好事不留名的事,我们还是不热心。其实我们有时一家出去吃饭可能花上100Dolla以上,但要是将这笔钱捐献给灾区,可能很多人都会想半天。孩子学校让捐款,每人$2,我让他给$5,他还一个劲地问“Are you sure?"我感觉自己没有尽到教育的责任。
【I don't agree with any shortcomings the authoer listed, e.g., ``由于我们省吃简用成癖,对别人也就自然不会那么慷慨.''I don't think ``不借贷的后果是平时要省吃简用.'' is too bad. Actually, this might be a merit at this global-warming age.】
【Suggest reading B. Franklin's Poor Richards Almanac, Buffet's biography, or more recently T. E. Woods's Melt-down.
If you don't have the time, at least read R. W. Emerson's essays to understand the true/original American spirituality. 】
It is different habit, we Chinese like to take shower/bath in the evening, and Americans take shower in the morning. I prefer to do in the morning. Why? after you take shower in the morning you smell fresh and clean to go to work; there is this girl at work who is from a foreign country too/ i don't want to put the country she is from in here, we think she takes shower in the evening only, for she smells bed room/ with man’s hormone, everyday at work, we all try to avoid her, but nobody would tell her: hey you need to take a shower in the morning... that would be too rude....
In short, agree with iamhereforfun but no need for personal attacks.
I don't agree with any shortcomings the authoer listed, e.g., ``由于我们省吃简用成癖,对别人也就自然不会那么慷慨.''I don't think ``不借贷的后果是平时要省吃简用.'' is too bad. Actually, this might be a merit at this global-warming age.
Suggest reading B. Franklin's Poor Richards Almanac, Buffet's biography, or more recently T. E. Woods's Melt-down.
If you don't have the time, at least read R. W. Emerson's essays to understand the true/original American spirituality.
That worry is naive. There are ALWAYS some people who can not pay full and you don't need to worry about the bank. This credit card business model has been working for so many years. It exists for a reason so thinking that "if everyone pays full bank makes no money" is like thinking "if every pregnant woman delivers baby on the same day then we all have the same birthday.." You got it ?
o-tree 发表评论于
1. Multi-family vacation is more fun than single-family vacation, what's wrong with that?
2. If all Americans can pay without debt like Chinese do for most items they buy, then there wouldn't be such thing like bank crisis, as well as no big fat crooked bankers. This country would be in much better shape.
iamhereforfun 发表评论于
Still don't get it. if you can pay full, why only pay minimal. Have you EVER seen an American tells you that he/she pays minimal balance IN ORDER TO help bank ?? If he/she tells that and you believe what he/she said, both of you are idiot and NOBODY in this country would think you are a role model. Come on, give me a break, if you really want to "help", why don't you ask for minimal $8/hr pay to "help" your company ? Will you do that ? Remember, Stupidity is not equal to good moral.
multi-family vacation: I think people just want kids to play with each other on vacation, which makes a little sense for some cases e.g. cruise, where kids can play with each other and adults can enjoy themselves. But I also don't think it is very fun and joyful to travel with other families in other cases...
5thgirl 发表评论于
To iamhereforfun:
I think LZ mean to pay the min balance, so the bank can goe the interest from the client. Not mean to pay late.
I agree with LZ said. Just like we need to support the kids in the yard sale although we don't drink their Lamonade...
mngb 发表评论于
呆霸王 发表评论于
崇洋也不能崇到这份上, 胡涂崇!
wxcqq 发表评论于
i 100% agree what was said here, and trying to be a decent Chinese American, not be stereotyped as a typical first generation Chinese immigrant...
iamhereforfun 发表评论于
Staying away doesn't really help. Your face and accent already tells everybody you are a Chinese. It doesn't matter if you have a passport with eagle on the cover. So give up that stupid idea.
So you think people should "help" bank and credit card company by not paying balance on time ? Stupid, in your citizenship test you should know this country is a capital market. Does banks allow you to stay in your house for free if you can not pay your mortgage for 3 consecutive months ? -- You will be kicked out immediately ! Can I say this is a "defect" or problem" for bank because they don't benefit customers ?
,,,,,, 发表评论于
"哪些毛病改不了" - multi-family vacation. Look like Lu Xing tuan from China. Why do they vacation with other families? I saw a goup of Chinese women palying cards at the airport. Kids were running around. I stayed way and was afraid that people think I was one of them.