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经常来这里潜水,看到这里的朋友们一个房子接一个房子的买,俺真是打心眼儿里佩服,可做梦也没想到,俺也会琢麽着买个房子来出租。最近身边的朋友都在下单子买房,还说我向外星人一样,不识烟火,问他们一些低级的问题,如: 1300 尺的 Condo 从 58 万跌到 35 万了,还是在 不错的地区,该买吗?

看中一个 Short Sale 的 Condo ,情况是这样的:
1300 尺,两层,房间内部 装修简单,正好用来出租。房子的历史:

Aug 22 , 2009



Sep 1, 2009

Price Changed


Sep 10, 2009

Price Changed


Oct 10, 2009


Oct 23, 2009


Oct 23, 2009

Price Changed


Dec 23, 2009

Price Changed



1 :我们应该下什么样的价钱给银行?上个月刚卖了一个37万,比这个房子的内部装修好。

2 :这个周未会再去看一下房子,应该注意检查什么?目前没水,没电。

3 :既然是 Sold as is, 听代理说,从买了房子到拿到钥匙这一个月中,从前的房主还是有 钥匙的,怎样保证到手的房和我们看到的一样?

4 :付 20% 还是 40% 的 Downpay?, 贷 15 年,还是 30 年的?

5: 再加一个问题,那个地区目前的情况:280 units and 62 are non- owner occupied,好租吗?


有了几个白玉之后, 再看当初写的东西真是好笑:)

乐乐逍遥 发表评论于
"Landlord and his agent has the right to show the house to future tenant 30 days before lease expire or termination."

If so, you have the better chance to show the house while current tenant stay
乐乐逍遥 发表评论于
Yes, buyer have many ways to run away from the contract.

1. Disclosure report (TDS);

2. Loan contingency;

3. Appraisal contingency;

4. Home inspection contingency;

5. HOA contingency (if it is CONDO or TH)

乐乐逍遥 发表评论于

If it is bank foreclosed or short sale, usually you pay much less than a regular sale, but it depends on if you have competitors.


This list can be very long. You had better go with an experienced friend if your agent is not as good as va_landlord.

3:既然是Sold as is, 听代理说,从买了房子到拿到钥匙这一个月中,从前的房主还是有 钥匙的,怎样保证到手的房和我们看到的一样?

At the day of settlement, you need a final walk-through to make sure it is still the same condition.

4:付20% 还是40% 的Downpay?, 贷15 年,还是30 年的?

Depends on your own financial situation. I usually want to pay as little as possible, and terms as long as possible.