Star Scopes (1/29/10 - 2/4/10)

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Star Scopes (1/29/10 - 2/4/10)

Author: James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19

Your life is a journey, not a destination. You should one day write a book about your experiences along the way. It could be a best seller. Your life is a story to tell, that many others would find interesting. You are ready for major moves forward. Refuse to be stuck in the past. Set a time limit. Let nothing hold you back.

Taurus-April 20-May 20

When you love what you do, success is assured. Lighten up. Don't be so hard on yourself. Keep letting go of the past and live one day at a time. Today is all we have. Be happy and be grateful for all you have been given, and more good will soon be added. You are strong. Just know and accept this. More is on the way.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

Stay focused on the present. Refuse to let others from your past pull you away from this focus. The past is the past. Release it, forgive it and stay focused on the present issues. This will bring you renewed understanding, respect, love, time and understanding. Stay away from negative people who don't honor this.

Cancer- June 22-July 22

Moon child, this is your time of the month to heal and howl. You are so kind and forgiving. Others sometimes don't remember to give back to you. Make your own needs known, too. Your awesome heart and dreams are important, too, you know. Reach out. Become involved in a community project. You will love it.

Leo- July 23-Aug. 22

Your true nature is to accomplish great things. To fully realize this, you must surrender your lower will, listen to and trust your instincts. This is what Leo is all about. When you do this, you will be directed toward your great higher spirit. Your true greatness will now come out and you will find all the secrets hidden in your soul.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22

There is important work to be done, beginning with yourself. The summer energy is right to carry out your plans. Progress is being made. You are now being guided on to new adventures. Focusing on your main goal and commitment is the starting point. You know where your heart is. Let it guide you on and up to victory.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Don't forget to keep your life in balance. Refuse to take on new responsibilities, unless you are taking good care of your own needs first. This is a challenge for you because of your great love for others. Make time for that creative project that fills a hole in your heart. Now you are on the way to greater happiness.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Your vision and deep creative urges are growing. Your great heart gives you an edge in feeling things before they happen in the physical reality. You are a visionary. Just about everything you touch will turn into gold right now. You are inspired. Your heart is open and your visions are strong. Move forward and excel.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Stay focused and patient right now. You have planted the seeds. They are beginning to sprout. Wow! A new and better life is on the way. Your greatest rewards are just around the corner. When the sight comes forth, go all out and bring them into a fruitful harvest. You have earned the victory and reward. Great job.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Continue to nurture everyone around you. You were born to do great work. Keep writing down your visions as they arise from your soul. They are the record of the greatest truth. Now life will continue to be renewed and increase your greatest dreams. Eureka! You know the secret of life. Yeah! You are living it.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your value in life is growing. Why? Because you make wise decisions rather than hasty ones. You will soon be challenged to make even more. Stay balanced. Continue to create quality time for yourself each day for exercise, joy and fun. Follow your heart, strive for balance and you will continue to climb to even greater heights.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

Others around you may not always agree with you for your strong convictions. If not, maybe you aren't with the right people who respond to your positive leadership. Evaluate what you truly want in life. Love and respect have to be near the top as you continue to grow. Refuse to let fear of change get in the way of your soul’s journey.

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Have a nice weekend!:)
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Have a nice weekend!