“Google was a little hypocritical when they were refusing to honor a Department of Justice request for information because they were heavily in bed with the Central Intelligence Agency, the office of research and development,” said Steele.
Look this website, someone did experiment and showed chinese people eat babies"在2008年才开始有一点这个说法,09年开始爆发,就在10年的1月,也就是现在,这个词条的搜索频率直线上升。 是谁点击的?或者是谁刷的? 美国,加州。谷歌在哪里? 光谷在哪里? 也是加州。
* Chinese people scare me
* Chinese people eat babies
* Chinese people jokes
* Chinese people pictures
* Chinese people eat dogs
* famous Chinese people
* pictures of Chinese people
* happy Chinese people
* black Chinese people
* Chinese people eating babies (slightly different than Google, but this one makes the top 5 list)
Bing (only shown two)
* Chinese people
* Chinese people.com
Baidu (only shown three)
* Chinese people are hacking
* Chinese people eat
* Chinese people eat babies
* Japanese people don't have souls ( argh. this is, quite offensive )
* Japanese people pictures
* Japanese people eating babies ( geez. Why every country likes to eat babies...)
* Japanese people with blue eyes
* Japanese people charateristics
* famous Japanese people
* Japanese people pictures
* Japanese people eating babies ( wola. Google and Yahoo all think this is some kind of hot search term )
* Japanese people search
* meet Japanese people
Yahoo.jp ( the No.1 searching engine in Japan is Yahoo, not Google, I think )
* Nothing when you search "Japanese people"
* When you type "Japanese", all the suggested terms are neutural such as "Japanese girl", "Japanese music dreams", "Japanese girl friends", "Japanese family", etc. Absolutely nothing like "... eating babies").
Baidu.jp ( No ?? search engine in Japan )
* Returns nothing
Bing (again, only shown two)
* Japanese people
* Japanese people pictures
If I can conclude this thing based on my limited SEO (search engine optimization) knowledge, this is caused by a stupid webpage (Title "Do They Eat Babies in China", http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/horrors/a/eating_babies.htm) that has got unusual high pagerank (or, in an oversimplified layman's term, it has been quoted by many websites) - and a few keywords "Chinese people" and "eating babies" are there in that webpage - that so many search engines just reflect this indexing result.
What about "Japanese people eating babies" then ? Well, that's another stupid page at Yahoo Answers ( Question "Do Japanese eat babies" ? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060921082441AAD7gAT ) that serves exactly the purpose.
So it seems to me that, at the end of day:
1. Do not jump to any conclusion before you check the facts yourself first. ( I was about to call my friends in Google, especially my best friends Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, to ask them to appologize. But then, I think i'd be better off to do some little research myself, first. )
2. Technology can play stupid tricks on smart people. Someone throws out a stupid question - intentionally or just for silly reasons - and although we all know "garbage in, garbage out", many times we will be fooled and _assumed_ mighty giants such as Google (or Microsoft, Yahoo, and even our own Baidu) did that just to piss us off.
3. Don't mix business interests and political thingy together.
If Google's search algorithm sucks - and it thinks "Chinese people eating babies" should be on the top 5 search terms - then they ought to improve the algorithm, or Chinese search users and advertisers will walk away as it shows how poor the search quality can be. But none of the Chinese users/advertisers should feel offended.
Now, on the other hand, If Google wants to make a lot noise out of so-called Chinese human rights issue and would bail out the Chinese market because of that - given that Google has been slept in bed with CIA and many other governments in the world and, alas, the market share in China is barely 30% - let me just say, dude, that's quite lame.
Next time when I meet Larry Page or Eric Schmidt in Mountain View's COSTCO during our weekly shopping/catching up trip, I will pass my 2 cents above to them.
This feature is called "Google Suggest", here is the documentation on this feature
I've used the Google Web Search Help Forum at the end of the link to ask Google to remove the offensive suggestions, please send more messages to Google.
just-a-car 发表评论于
It is some indian people to use Google to destroy Chinese images, such as baby eating, etc.
just-a-car 发表评论于
Some indian people hate chinese so much that they use Google to show Chinese eat babies ,and dowload the pictures to their iphone to show persons around the them. Some indian people' soul so dirty .
I am surprised that Google wasn't booted out of China sooner. "Internet freedom" is total bullshit. Period.
catCat1999 发表评论于
A company like Google shouldn't promote such wording on a people. This is not moral. It is one thing for Google to show results when one types "baby eating". It is another to openly suggest such an offensive topic when one just type Chinese people or Japanese people.
Can you imagine NY Times or CNN say such things as soon as you mention Chinese or Japanese people ?
Such offensive features definitely don't help free information flow on Internet. Will you allow your children to use Google to search for "Chinese people" or "Japanese people" ?
catCat1999 发表评论于
My main objection is on "Chinese people" or "Japanese people". You can say whatever you want on any governments. However, putting such a label on a people is really not good ...
catCat1999 发表评论于
This is the English letter I wrote. I don't have specific email address of Google's management. White House email address is at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact.
I strongly feel Google should change this search result. Imagine a teenage wants to do research on Chinese people or Japanese people and this is the first line he or she will find from Google !
catCat1999 发表评论于
I wish to bring your attention to Google's search practice with keyword "Chinese people".
When one types "Chinese people" in a Google window, Google has this feature of automatically suggesting a list of topics related to "chinese people" that might be of interest before one enters Return. It is astonishing to find that the top suggestion is "chinese people eat babies" !
People in Chinese community in North America have brought this issue up in blogs. I captured a snap shot of Google search after reading the blog and confirmed this is true (See attached).
Doing same typing under Microsoft's Bing will also induce topic suggestions but all are normal and neutral.
Suggesting baby eating as soon as one types "chinese people" under Google is quite offensive to me (of Chinese origin). I don't believe such practice by Google benefits Google in being an Internet leader around the world.
If you also feel Google's such feature is not desirable, I hope you have the opportunity to bring the issue to Google management such that they systematically change their approach. I will also try to send an email to Google management on this issue.
I don't believe Google is trying to offend anyone on purpose. However, the effect is really quite negative and detrimental to its cause. Just imagine someone, maybe a teenage, is interested in Chinese people and wants to find information from Google and this is the first line he or she will be prompted with …
在google 打了一个japanese people 提示:
japanese people eating babies
japanese people don't have soul
google 真牛!!
ktfun 发表评论于
yes, please share your letter with us and email addresses to forward as well.
simayi 发表评论于
Goodluck, although I doubt New York Times will reply to you. However, I like your attitude. However, it might just like the author said. Google has been beded with CIA for too long. As well as the discrimination, it is all up to you to fight for your own rights and reputation. One way of doing that is make your own country better, for example: China.
catCat1999 发表评论于
Japanese people are still eating in my search just now. I sent another note to Wall Street Journal reporters and see how they will do.
I think you can raise your voice to main media in US and they shall pay attention to such offensive contents.
I can copy my letter here if anyone is interested in making his or her voice ...
Jewelbox 发表评论于
也上google试了一下,Japanese people 不吃baby, 只有chinese people 吃baby. 以后改用百度了,不用google.
catCat1999 发表评论于
It could very well be. If enough people raise their voices, Google will take notice.
I did my part by sending emails to White House, Google Investor Relations and NY Times reporters...
zinder 发表评论于
That's just a professional way to reply your comments. I bet you will not receive any further meaningful reply from him.
"Huh, I will check it by myself" or "Cool" is usually used to end a conversation.
zinder 发表评论于
That's just a professional way to reply your comments. I bet you will not receive any further meaningful reply from him.
"Huh, I will check it by myself" or "Cook" is usually used to end a conversation.
catCat1999 发表评论于
I got a response from New York Times reporter who wrote headline articles on Google and China. He said he was surprised at this and would check it out himself.
I don't want to label Google on anything. I believe it is the unintended consequence of their algorithms. However, for offensive materials like this by a reputable company like Google, we as users should raise our voices and help them to improve.
I don't think this is racially motivated. Just an unintended consequence and could be corrected.
Plus, I am really impressed how open NewYork Times reporters are.
Notice it is Chinese People. Not Chinese Government. I don't think it is ethical practice to suggest such things of a people, regardless of which people it is.
Do you think New York Times will put such titles on their paper ?
wenxueOp 发表评论于
外星人来到地球,先用第一等的 google 来获取知识:
这两个国家的人吃 baby:
Chinese people
Japanese people
korean people
thai people
french people
german people
canada people
mexican people
vietnam people
iraq people
可见,声音大的有自由,声音小的没有自由 :-)
larrry 发表评论于
British People
British People Bad Teeth
British People Ugly
British People are annoying
larrry 发表评论于
Japanese people eating babies 也在第一行,难道也是 Google 故意和日本政府作对 ?
当然,如果是 Google 故意这样搞的,我谴责并且认为他们很愚蠢和不职业。
catCat1999 发表评论于
I don't think this is a good practice by Google. It is probably their algorithms but I find it very offensive.
pleasanton 发表评论于
sigh 你们try try 在google.com里输入 japanese people, korean people和french people 看看 japanese people eating babies也在里面阿。。。。
catCat1999 发表评论于
I tried and it is true.
I wrote a letter to President Obama via White House website and also to Google's management.
I don't believe Google is doing this on purpose. However, they should change their practices.
The way Google is doing is very negative and detrimental to its cause. I think we shall let this be known to Google and US media so that the practice can be stopped.
Microsoft's Bing suggests something very normal and neutral once "chinese people" is typed in.
Note: You have selected the least restrictive filter for your results. Images not compliant with German law will still be filtered. You may, however, see some images that you consider inappropriate for minors. If minors are using your browser we suggest enabling strict filtering.
CaiMi 发表评论于
"google自动显示的“搜索提示”是根据全球网客对字词和短句的搜索频率排列的" is bullshit, just try bing.com for comparison