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3:26 PM ET 1/15/10 | Dow Jones

By John C. Dvorak
The investment community is wrong regarding the dustup between China and Google Inc. (GOOG) over the alleged attack on Google by the Chinese government. The stock should have gone up, not down.
The story we are told in the New York Times and elsewhere is that China Inc. hacked into the Gmail service to get at the email of certain dissidents. Then Google, outraged, said that it was considering quitting China.
Puh-leeze. Let me try to deconstruct the situation based on reports and what little we actually know.
First of all, Google has to be tired of literally working for China by providing a customized search result at the behest of the government. (This requirement is imposed on all the search engines to protect the Chinese people from porn, violent imagery, the Falun Gong and anti-China propaganda.)
Google is gaining market share on China's most popular search engine, Baidu.com, and could probably surpass it within a year or two. But it's nuts for Google to perpetually kowtow to Chinese censorship demands, especially when it is so politically incorrect everywhere else.
But it's still about the money. Google knows that walking the Chinese tightrope to remain in business there is a terrible strategy, because if the company gets dominant market share, it could find itself in a very awkward position.
Google could become dependent on China for a large share of revenue and profit--to the point where China might suddenly tell the search giant to censor anti-China Web sites in the United States and elsewhere. If Google refused, China could pull the plug, sink the stock and do serious damage.
Deciding to leave the country on its own removes the future, more devastating consequence for Google and also allows for an underground methodology to emerge, where Google can be accessed by the Chinese people via proxy servers and other Internet work-arounds.
Google, like others, has noticed that innocuous sites such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are blocked in China for no good reason. The fact is that Google's days were numbered anyway.
The precursor of this current drama was the sudden departure of Google's China president and head of its research and development there, Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, who was lured from Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) in 2005. He curiously left in September last year and is now working his own Chinese start-up. (Lee will conveniently not be caught up in Google's situation, which would have been devastating to his career in China. Slick.)
As for all the hacking supposedly done by the Chinese government, I'm dubious. While I am sure that most, if not all, of the various national intelligence-gathering services are spying on each other, this episode seemed staged.
For one thing, the story itself is not coherent. China was spying on certain dissidents' Gmail, and now we are to understand that it has something to do with a flaw in Microsoft's Internet Explorer. This now looks more like a low-level hack that anyone with a password generator could manage. Exactly who are these dissidents using Gmail anyway?
Then we're told that numerous companies, including Adobe Systems Inc. (ADBE), were targeted. Somehow the flaws in the Adobe reader had something to do with this. Can a software-security expert please step forward and walk us through this?
The plot thickens as we hear that the attack is nothing new; various attacks back in July and even earlier are mentioned. This raises the following question regarding the security flaws here and there: Why weren't they fixed then?
I'm sure there are meetings in China right now in some back room, with the conversation going as follows: "We've been doing this for years. What changed? Why now? Who screwed up? I thought they knew already."
At the end of the day, Google did what it had to eventually do--say it was considering bailing out. It just needed an excuse. (Whether any serious breach actually happened remains in question.)
Investors should note that this is a plus, not a negative for the company. Who needs China telling you how to run your business? The old path would have put Google at risk. Now it can continue unfettered.
